Job Title: Project Manager of Student Ministries
Posted by: Crosspointe Church
Location: Cary, NC, United States
Driving distance to Durham: Yes
Posting Dates: August 6, 2024 - September 30, 2024
Job type: Part-Time
Organization type: Church
Job tags: Church
Salary range: $14,000-$19,000
Contact Name: Vanessa Buchanan
Organization leadership includes Duke Divinity alumni: No
Organization hiring manager includes Duke Divinity alumni: No
Job Description:

Crosspointe is searching for a Student Ministry Project Manger to join our team who will create engaging and welcoming environments for middle school and high school students by fostering an accepting and loving environment for all. This individual is a strong collaborator, communicator, and multi-tasker who is able to plan and execute events within the ministry. This includes registration, cash flow, programming of events, securing resources including facilities and supplies, communicating with vendors, and helping coordinate on the day of events. This person is eager to engage relationally with students and the staff team (not simply execute projects), and is fully supportive of Crosspointe's commitment to reflect the heart of Christ by including and affirming the entire human family regardless of race, age, creed, physical abilities, martial or economic status, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Responsibilities include: * Collaborate with Student Pastor to plan, organize, and schedule all Student Ministry events * Communicate with facilities, finance, and vendors * Implement and oversee registration process for events and oversee logistics during events * Ensure safety and compliance policies are communicated, followed, and updated as necessary * Resolve problems and answers questions effectively as they arise both internally and externally * Serve as a key resource for project information and coordinate marketing and communication