As part of the Field Education program, each student commits to:

  • Explore ministerial roles and identity, work to clarify and test his or her call, build and strengthen skills for ministry
  • 40 hours per week of preparation and presence for a 10-week summer placement
  • 13-15 hours weekly of preparation and presence for a 30-week academic year placement

Field Education Requirements

While students are required to complete two units (credits) of Field Education, students may choose to complete up to three Divinity School-funded placements. Students may also complete their Field Education requirements through a student-initiated placement (funded or unfunded), as well as through a unit of approved Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), for a total of up to four Field Education placements.

International Field Education opportunities are also available. The program includes internships in Mexico, El Salvador, Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda.

Learn more about the student requirements for field education on the Divinity School Intranet (NetID required).

There are four opportunities during the residential M.Div. degree program to complete the two required Field Education placements:

  1. Summer I
  2. Academic Year II (middler year)*
  3. Summer II
  4. Academic Year III

There are six opportunities during the hybrid M.Div. degree program to complete the two required Field Education placements:

  1. Summer I
  2. Academic Year II (middler year)*
  3. Summer II
  4. Academic Year III
  5. Summer III
  6. Academic Year IV

Hybrid M.Div. students complete their Field Education requirements through a student-initiated placement (funded or unfunded as mutually agreed upon by the student and the placement partner). In addition, hybrid M.Div. students may complete a unit of approved Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) for one field education credit.

Students Serving as Pastors

Students frequently serve as pastors of churches or part-time associates during their theological education at Duke Divinity School. This service may suffice for fulfillment of all field education requirements. These appointments or calls are arranged by the appropriate denominational official, body, or local church. The Divinity School recognizes this arrangement and recommends that the student consult with the Office of Field Education, as agent of the dean, before accepting an appointment as pastor or associate pastor.

The Office of Field Education cannot arrange student pastor appointments or calls. These arrangements reside within the jurisdiction of denominational, nondenominational, or local authorities, and students should initiate their own arrangements. For United Methodist certified candidates, annual interviews are held at Duke each February for appointments that begin in late June or early July of the same year. However, the Office of Field Education requires that a student register for student pastor status prior to accepting a student appointment or call. In addition, only entering M.Div. students or those who are in or have finished their first year of M.Div. coursework are eligible to become student pastors unless prior approval is granted by the Vice Dean of Academic Programs. 

Student pastors are full-time students and may enroll in no more than three courses per semester, requiring eight semesters to complete the Master of Divinity degree. Student pastors are not permitted to enroll in summer study of any kind or in Summer CPE. Exceptions to these student pastor limitations on enrollment requires the permission of the supervising church official, the pastor-parish or other personnel committee, the field education staff, and the Vice Dean of Academic Programs or Registrar. Find student pastor forms on the Divinity School Intranet (NetID required).

Student pastors are strongly and actively discouraged from attempting to commute more than 50 miles one-way on a daily basis. Extensive commuting jeopardizes the student’s academic program, health, ministry, and family life.

In keeping with the goal of the school to develop competence in ministry, student pastors reflect on their appointments as learning contexts. Student pastor mentoring groups, comprised of other student pastor peers and a learned pastor, meet regularly for counsel, direction, and critical theological reflection. Evaluations are required from the student pastor’s parish (and, if United Methodist, the superintendent) at the completion of the first year and third year of the student pastorate. If all of the conditions outlined for credit are met, and all evaluations are completed and filed at the appropriate time, field education credit may be extended.

In summary, the process for student pastors to receive credit for their call or appointment is: register with the field education office, register with the appropriate student pastor code through ACES, participate in an assigned mentoring group, and submit requisite evaluation materials for two separate years of service (first and third year).