Expand Your Knowledge and Skills
We offer certificates, courses, certifications, and other programs for alumni, Christian leaders, and professionals
Ellen Davis in front of stained glass window

Psalms and the Arts

Encountering God in Grief and Gratitude

This five-week course invites you to learn from experts in biblical interpretation and the arts to deepen your personal and communal engagement with the Psalms and the arts. In this course, you will meditate on psalms and artworks, engage with the Psalms theologically, explore artful interpretations of the Psalms, and examine the role of the Psalms in the life of the church.

Featured Programs

Our programs include self-paced online learning and in-person conferences, workshops, certificate programs, and more.
Church Administration Certification
In this online course, you’ll learn how to engage the work of leading management theorists and business leaders on strategic management, finance, HR, and other foundational topics while—crucially—maintaining a theological focus that situates these practices within the church’s mission of discipleship, worship, and witness.
Christian Virtues for Spiritual Growth
This four-week self-paced online course taught by Stanley Hauerwas examines the meaning and significance of four key virtues and their importance in cultivating a virtuous life.
Study Leave for Ministry Professionals
This flexible program allows participants to immerse themselves in learning and renewal through self-directed study, worship, and prayer on the Duke campus. Participants select their topic, and Duke Divinity School provides the resources needed for a relaxing and productive week.
Certificate in Conflict Transformation and Reconciliation
This certificate provides an opportunity for pastors and other church leaders seeking theological and practical skills to foster reconciliation in their congregations and communities.

Upcoming Events

We also offer a full calendar of events at Duke Divinity School. Join us for lectures, workshops, worship, and more.
Tue, Feb 18, 2025 | 11:30am - 12:30pm | Goodson Chapel

2025 Sankofa Alumni Preaching Series

The Office of Black Church Studies invites you to the 2025 Sankofa Alumni Preaching Series held every Tuesday in the month of February.
No registration is required for this event.

Tue, Feb 18, 2025 | 11:30am - 12:30pm | Goodson Chapel

2025 Sankofa Alumni Preaching Series with Rev. Whitney Hall

The Reverend Whitney M. Hall serves as the associate campus minister for the UNC Wesley Campus Ministry at UNC-Chapel Hill and as the pastor of community life and spiritual formation at Southeast Raleigh Table in Raleigh, N.C.

Fri, Feb 21, 2025 | 12 - 1pm | Zoom

Longing for Shalom: Christian Healthcare as Outposts of Beauty and Goodness

This lecture will explore how Christian anthropology and interpersonal neurobiology helpfully form us into not only individual care providers but also institutions of shalom, all of which become outposts of goodness and beauty that serve our patients and our communities in the spirit and embodied presence of the kingdom of God.

Upcoming Programs

Join us for guided learning opportunities, including synchronous online programs, in-person programs, and hybrid learning programs.

Someone types on a laptop computer that is sitting on a wooden table

Course of Study

The online Course of Study is an alternate educational route for persons seeking to serve as licensed local pastors in United Methodist congregations.

Learn More about course of study
Convocation on the rural church gathering with people sitting around tables in discussion, featuring a women in a white shirt listening intently

Convocation on the Rural Church

Join us Aug. 5-7, 2024 for the Convocation on the Rural Church, an opportunity for UMC pastors serving rural churches in the North Carolina to discuss issues that are important in transforming rural churches and communities and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Learn More about rural convocation
Ellen Davis speaks at podium

Convocation & Pastors' School

The annual Convocation & Pastors’ School, taking place Oct. 13-15, 2024, is an intensive multi-day conference that offers lectures, worship, alumni gatherings, and seminars for Christian leaders of all traditions.

Learn More about CPS

Ongoing Opportunities

Join us for self-paced online courses. Many are free to Duke Divinity School alumni.

Alumni sit at round tables and listen to speaker

Church Administration 1

This four-week online course explains the importance of a theological approach to church administration and why viewing it as a church practice with theological goals of discipleship, formation, witness, and worship matters.

Learn More about church admin 1
A student on the worship team holds the pole for the crucifix

Church Administration 2

In this second course in the Duke Divinity+ Church Administration Specialization series for church pastors and lay leaders, you will learn how to approach strategic management theologically as strategic stewardship for your church.

Learn More about church admin 2
colorful stained glass window in Westbrook building

Cultivating a Scriptural Imagination

How can Scripture expand our capacity to envision God’s presence in our time, and how can examples from Methodist history help us recognize these new possibilities? Through this course, experience a deeper grounding in the distinctive elements of Methodism.

Learn More about Cultivating a Scriptural Imagination

Duke Divinity+

Digital Courses and Certificates

Divinity+ is a new program for Duke Divinity alumni and other practitioners seeking to expand and refresh their knowledge and skills through non-degree digital courses and certificates. Divinity+ courses nurture vocational renewal, theological imagination, and practical resources for ministerial leaders and Christian professionals. 

Divinity Plus logo