More than 6,000 graduates serve in ministry worldwide
Our graduates serve in more than three dozen countries and in all 50 states. They serve in parish-based ministry as pastors, music ministers, Christian education directors, mission coordinators, youth ministers, and church planters. Others serve in extension-based ministry like teaching, counseling, faith-based advocacy, and nonprofit organization work.

Upcoming Events

Join us for conferences, lectures, performances, and special alumni events.
Mon, Oct 14 - Tue, Oct 15, 2024 | Duke Divinity School

Convocation and Pastors' School

The annual Convocation & Pastors’ School is an intensive multi-day conference that offers lectures, worship, alumni gatherings, and seminars for Christian leaders of all traditions.

Tue, Oct 22, 2024 | 10 - 11:30am | Online (via Zoom)

Emeriti Lecture featuring Bishop Kenneth Carder

All are welcome to join us via Zoom for a virtual lecture given by Bishop Kenneth Carder, the Ruth W. and A. Morris Williams Professor Emeritus of the Practice of Christian Ministry, about the challenges and possibilities of the decline of the mainline denominations. Register to join.

Tue, Oct 22, 2024 | 7:30 - 9pm | Zoom Webinar

The Synod on Synodality: Theology, Reception, and Ecumenical Challenges | A Webinar

As the Roman Catholic Synod on Synodality comes to a close, the Fons Vitae Initiative at Duke Divinity invites you to join a webinar to explore the theology of synodality, its reception, and its ecumenical prospects and challenges.

Alumni News & Features

Read the latest news, features, and opinion articles about alumni.
Meet the National Alumni Council
October 8, 2024
The National Alumni Council consists of alumni from different graduating years, backgrounds, denominations, and current ministry contexts, who are part of a strategic effort to connect the Divinity School to its alumni and the ministry networks in which they serve.
After Fifteen Years Learning and Teaching in Prisons, Rev. Dr. Louis Threatt is Even More Inspired
October 3, 2024
Threatt, M.Div. ’11, was inspired by transformative experiences at Duke Divinity School to teach and advise Duke Divinity faculty on teaching in prisons. Read more from the Kenan Institute.
Duke Divinity Partners with UMC for Western NC Disaster Relief
October 3, 2024
The school is partnering with the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist on relief efforts in North Carolina after Hurricane Helene. The WNCC has more than 500 Duke Divinity School alumni who are leading churches on the front lines of the relief effort.

Learn More

Find out more about our office, leadership, and programs, and find ways to stay in touch with us.
Alumni Council & Board of Visitors
The Divinity School’s National Alumni Council nurtures the connection between the Divinity School and its alumni. Made up of alumni representatives from different time periods, denominations, and backgrounds, the council meets twice each year to think creatively about how the Divinity School can bless and support our alumni and current students. 
The Shepherd’s Fund for Alumni in Need
Duke Divinity School is partnering with The Shepherd’s Fund to help alumni in their time of need. The Shepherd’s Fund was established by a generous donor to provide financial assistance when a medical crisis creates a hardship. Retired or disabled pastors who have faithfully served in ordained ministry, their spouses, or their widows or widowers are eligible for these assistance grants.
Transcript Requests
Learn how to request a transcript.
Update Contact Info & Class Notes
We want to stay in touch! Update your contact information or submit a class note. Also keep up with the latest Duke Divinity alumni news by signing up for our quarterly newsletter.
Office of External Relations Staff
Learn more about our leadership and staff in the Office of External Relations.
Continuing Education Opportunities

Find Online Courses, Certificates, and More

Find programs for Duke Divinity alumni and other practitioners seeking to expand and refresh their knowledge and skills through non-degree digital courses and certificates.

Join the Alumni Network

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Join the Duke Alumni Association to access signature events such as Homecoming and Reunions, a global network of regional alumni chapters, educational and travel opportunities, the award-winning Duke Magazine, and more. With your Duke Alumni card, you can take advantage of perks inside and outside the university. Visit the DAA page to create or update your alumni profile, share class notes, and learn more. 

Edgardo Colon-Emeric speaks during an alumni luncheon event
one person hands a green glass cross to a student

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Each gift supports Duke Divinity School’s mission to engage in spiritually disciplined and academically rigorous education in service and witness to the Triune God in the midst of the church, the academy, and the world. Find out how you can help.