In the 2022–2023 academic year, we awarded more than $10.3 million in institutional scholarship and grant support to 99 percent of our students.
Our financial aid staff is available to counsel you on financing your education and making the most of the wide variety of funding sources available.
Scholarships & Fellowships
Duke Divinity School offers a number of scholarships and fellowships that can help fund your education, and all students admitted to the M.Div., M.T.S., M.A. in Christian Practice, D.Min., and Th.D. receive some scholarship support.

Paid Field Education Internships
Duke Divinity is unique in its ability to provide funding for up to four field education internships for residential M.Div. students (two placements are required for graduation). The Office of Field Education places students in either full-time placements during the summer or part-time placements during the academic year and can provide $10,000 per placement. This funding is in addition to any scholarships, grants, or outside aid that a student receives, and can result in as much as $40,000 in additional support throughout the course of the program.
Black Church Studies and Latinx Studies Fellowships
Duke Divinity School is committed to supporting a new generation of transformative leadership that mirrors and ministers to the changing demographic landscape in the U.S. and beyond. The Black Church Studies and Latinx Studies Fellowship program is designed for those pursuing either the Certificate in Black Church Studies or the Certificate in Latinx Studies while enrolled in the residential Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree program.

Thriving Communities Fellowship
In addition to receiving full-tuition scholarships, Thriving Communities Fellows participate in signature programming tailored to their vocational aims, including mentoring, immersion experiences, and cohort-based professional formation and events in the Ormond Center. Fellows are also eligible to receive stipends totaling up to $30,000 through participation in the Communities of Learning program offered by the Office of Field Education.

"At Duke Divinity School, we are dedicated to ensuring that every student who hears the call to ministry can fund their education here. We encourage prospective students to consider all factors and resources when evaluating how to fund their degree. The cost of attendance is reduced significantly by our field education grants and Ministerial Promise tuition scholarships. Additionally, the cost of living in Durham is very affordable."
Divinity Rural Fellowships
The Divinity Rural Fellowship program awards full tuition to residential M.Div. students from the WNC and NC annual conferences who exhibit a calling and passion for leadership in rural North Carolina.

Lipe Leadership Fellowship
The Lipe Leadership Fellows program supports promising and gifted residential M.Div. students who are preparing for ministry in large, dynamic congregations. One incoming student from each entering class will be chosen.
External Scholarship Support
Students may be eligible for a number of grants and fellowships available to seminarians from various foundations and denominational entities. We encourage our students also to seek outside support in their efforts to graduate debt-free from Duke Divinity School.

Tuition and Estimated Expenses
Nearly all of our students receive scholarships and grants that defray the cost of tuition. Our tuition rates are offset by scholarships, grants, student loans, and external aid.