At Duke Divinity School, we form students for their future vocation in a variety of ways: through coursework, worship, workshops, field education, spiritual formation groups, Commissioning and Full Connection seminars, houses of study, and denominational associations. 

Faculty and staff throughout the school guide students in discernment conversations, helping students explore their call and remain open to how God is working in their lives. We also regularly host opportunities for students to engage with alumni, so they can explore beyond their current context.

In all of our programs, a thoughtful and imaginative engagement with Scripture and tradition, rigorous reflection, and interaction with people’s experiences and the dynamics of the contemporary world come together to form a community of reflective practitioners and leaders for the Church.

Kennetra Brackett headshot in front of Goodson Chapel windows, wearing a royal blue short and small gold earrings

"We believe students can learn to lead in imaginative and expansive ways, whether they have served in ministry for decades or recently declared their say “Yes” to God’s call. With the support of committed mentors and community members students once again discover the joyful challenge of embodying their beliefs, customizing their care, and adopting healthful rhythms that sustain them from one season to the next."


Field Education

We build field education internships into our M.Div. program, so students receive practical experience and training as a complement to work done in the classroom. The community and supervisors students join during these experiences help them live into their calling faithfully and thoughtfully. Reflection groups and site visits —including virtual visits for hybrid students—deepen their learning and give students an opportunity to hear reflections of their growth and affirmations of their calling.


Field Education Stories

Hear from students about how field education has given them opportunities to explore possible future vocations, learning practical skills from a trained supervisor while embedded in a new community.
Field Education Highlight: Jalen Garza
January 10, 2025
Jalen Garza is serving a field education placement at Duke Memorial United Methodist Church for the 2024-2025 academic year, giving her space to discern further her calling into pastoral ministry.
Students Pursue Passions in Summer Field Education Placements
August 13, 2024
M.Div. students at Duke Divinity School are offered the unique opportunity to serve in field education placements, fully immersing into a ministry context for the entire summer to learn practical skills from a trained supervisor to prepare for their future in ministry. See a few snapshots of what our students have been doing this summer.
Field Education Highlight: Samira Foster
August 12, 2024
For many students, like Samira Foster, M.Div. '27, field education is their first opportunity to work in a ministry setting and is an invaluable component of their theological education. These placements involve serving in contextual learning opportunities in churches, nonprofits, and other settings under the guidance of a trained supervisor.

Formational and Denominational Support


Our houses of study help prepare you for service—and ordination—in the communities and denominations in which you’ll serve. They include the Baptist House of Studies, Anglican Episcopal House of Studies, Office of Black Church Studies, Methodist House, Presbyterian/Reformed House of Studies, Asian House of Studies, and Hispanic House of Studies.

Asian House of Studies Students
Student Seth Carver serving his summer 2024 field education placement at Cullowhee Methodist Church; posing with supervisor

Jobs and Internships

Looking for employment or internship opportunities? Find job listings that have been submitted to the school.

Programs for Clergy & Laity

Duke Divinity School hosts a number of training programs, conferences, and workshops to help new and experienced clergy and laity grow in their vocations, including Convocation & Pastors' School, Convocation on the Rural Church, and Study Leave for Ministry Professionals.