Nearly all of our students receive scholarships and grants that defray the cost of tuition. The tuition rates listed below are offset by scholarships, grants, student loans, or external aid.

We award $10.3 million in institutional scholarship and grant support to 99% of our students, and our students receive approximately $1.5 million in external support to offset the cost of their tuition and expenses.

Our Office of Financial Aid is available for one-on-one counseling to help you understand all the options available for funding your education. Contact us at (919) 660-3441 or to set up an appointment.



Tuition & Required Fees

2025-2026 Tuition Rates*

DegreeTuition Rates
Residential M.Div.$30,000 ($15,000 per semester)
Residential 4-year M.Div.$22,500 ($11,250 per semester)
Hybrid M.Div.$22,500 ($7,500 per term)
M.T.S.$30,000 ($15,000 per semester)
M.Div / M.S.W.$37,500 ($18,750 per semester)
Th.M.$36,000 ($18,000 per semester)
Th.D.$50,000 ($25,000 per semester)
M.A. in Christian Practice$30,000 ($10,000 per term)
D.Min.$31,500 ($10,500 per term)
Residential CTHC$22,500 ($11,250 per term)
Hybrid CTHC$20,000 ($10,000 per term)

Tuition rates are estimated based on full-time enrollment estimated and are subject to change* Please note the following:

  • Residential M.Div., M.T.S., and Th.M. students may also take classes part-time. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid to inquire about part-time tuition rates.
  • Full-time residential students may take one Divinity summer course as an overload and will not be charged tuition.  
  • Students enrolled in more than one summer course will be charged the per-course tuition rate. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid to inquire about financial aid options and cost to attend.

Required Fees Across All Residential Programs*

Required FeeCost
Student Health Fee$484.00 per term
Transcript Fee$120.00
Student Life Ministry, Graduate Activity, Graduate Services, and Divinity Government Dues$54.75 per term
Recreational Facilities Fee$187.00 per term

Hybrid students are charged the one-time transcript fee and a $15 per-term Student Life Ministry fee.

*Please note the following:

  • Students enrolled for the summer term will be charged a health fee. 

Questions about tuition rates? Contact our Office of Financial Aid.

one person hands a green glass cross to a student

Health Insurance

Duke Health insurance is optional for residential students, though students must show proof of existing coverage. Hybrid students are not eligible for Duke Health insurance, but do need to show proof of existing coverage.

Student Rates

The annual cost of coverage for all eligible residential students for the 2024-2025 plan year is $3,461.64.

Rates to Add Dependents

(in addition to the student premium)

Add Spouse for $3,342

Add Child(ren) for $3,724.80

Add Family for $7,066.80

Other Estimated Expenses for Residential Students

Estimated ExpenseCost
Books & Supplies$660.00
Room ($1,538.00 per month)$13,842.00
Food ($480.00 per month)$4,320.00
Transportation ($232.00 per month)$2,088.00
Miscellaneous ($486.00 per month)$4,374.00


Other Estimated Expenses for Hybrid Students

Estimated Expense                        Cost           
Books & Supplies$330 per term
Room$845 per term
Food$480 per term
Transportation$550 per term
Miscellaneous$486 per term

Refunds of tuition and fees are governed by the following policy:

Refund Policy

  • In the event of death, a full tuition and fees refund will be granted.
  • In all other cases of withdrawal from school, tuition will be refunded according to the following schedule:

Withdrawal before the opening of classes—a full refund; withdrawal during the first or second week—80 percent; withdrawal during the third through fifth week—60 percent; withdrawal during the sixth week—20 percent; withdrawal after the sixth week—no refund. No refund will be granted for reduction in course load after the drop-add period.

Tuition or other charges paid from grants or loans will be restored to those funds on the same pro rata basis and will be refunded to the student or carried forward.

These regulations apply to all Divinity School students—degree candidates, special students, and auditors.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal regulations that went into effect July 1, 2011, require that Duke Divinity School’s Office of Financial Aid establish and implement a policy to measure whether students applying for and/or receiving financial aid are making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) towards a degree.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy from Duke University