The dates for RISE 2024 are Wednesday August 21 - Thursday August 22.
RISE (Refresher and Intensive for Scholarly Enrichment) is an optional pre-orientation academic workshop that helps incoming students develop the skills needed to critically engage religious texts and write theologically.
Over the course of the program, students will be able to attend online lectures and webinars by Divinity School faculty and staff, and participate in workshops of about ten to fifteen students. The goal is to engage some brief biblical and theological texts (which we will ask you to read prior to the workshops) in order to develop effective ways to read, analyze, and write using biblical, historical, and theological lenses. While learning how to engage these texts is ultimately an extended process—and one that is essential for your education at the Divinity School—RISE will serve as an introduction to the type of challenging (and rewarding) work you will be asked to do in your courses.
If you have been out of school for some time, lack a background in humanities and/or religious studies, or simply believe you would benefit from some initial preparation for the courses you will be taking in your first year, we encourage you to participate.
Program Details
RISE is a preparatory program specifically designed to support students who may not have a theological or religious studies background, have a significant gap of time since they were last in school, or want to prepare for their academic life before classes begin.
Over the course of two days, students will work with selected theological texts. Participants will learn effective ways to read the texts, then analyze and write about these readings through a theological lens. RISE serves as an introduction to the type of challenging work that will be required at Duke Divinity School.

The Center for Writing and Academic Support
In addition to running the RISE workshop, the Center for Writing and Academic Support provides ongoing academic support workshops throughout the year and tutors who are available to work with students one-on-one.