4 Results
Summer Institute for Reconciliation
Wed, May 14 - Fri, May 16, 2025
The Summer Institute for Reconciliation is rooted in Duke Divinity School’s conviction that reconciliation is at the heart of the gospel and centers on content with a biblical vision of reconciliation that inspires a movement of transformed communities and relationships.
Certificate in Conflict Transformation and Reconciliation
This certificate provides an opportunity for pastors and other church leaders seeking theological and practical skills to foster reconciliation in their congregations and communities.
Study Leave for Ministry Professionals
This flexible program allows participants to immerse themselves in learning and renewal through self-directed study, worship, and prayer on the Duke campus. Participants select their topic, and Duke Divinity School provides the resources needed for a relaxing and productive week.
Intentional Practice for Christian Physicians
Reconnect with what called you to medicine in the first place, and find ways to align your daily work with your calling as a Christian physician.