The Divinity Student Council (DSC) serves student needs by facilitating events and activities organized by various student organizations, listening and responding to the needs of the community, and representing students' needs and concerns to the school administration.

Constitution of the Divinity Student Council

African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Connection
African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Connection seeks to provide educational support, networking, spiritual well-being, and a sense of community for students who are members of the AME Church. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership. 

Asian Theology
The Asian Theology Group was started at the Divinity School in response to a perceived lack of engagement with Asian and Asian-American expressions of Christianity. ATG seeks to recognize the unique ways in which Asians and Asian-Americans encounter Christianity and to provide a space for them to share those experiences. In this way, ATG hopes both to help facilitate a support system for Asians and Asian-Americans in the Divinity School as well as to raise awareness of Asian/Asian-American culture and experiences among non-Asians. To that end, we welcome all who are interested in learning more about Asian and Asian-American culture to join us. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

Basin and Towel/Project BRI(DDD)GE
Basin and Towel is an extension of Project BRI(DDD)GE and has been active in serving both the Duke Divinity community and the greater Durham area for a number of years. Basin and Towel offers opportunities to participate in educational programs, spiritual/theological reflection, and outreach and service focused on the scriptural call to social justice and compassion. Basin and Towel and Project BRI(DDD)GE work to provide monthly programs for the Duke Divinity student body that incorporate worship, service and reflection, with the goal of connecting the student body to the needs in the local community. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

Black Seminarians Union
The purpose of the Black Seminarians Union is to ensure the development of a theological perspective commensurate with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and relevant to the needs of black seminarians and the black church. Its goal is to improve the quality of life theologically, academically, spiritually, politically, and socially for the entire Divinity School community. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

Deacons at Duke
Deacons at Duke, which is part of the Methodist House, is a group of students exploring or engaged in the United Methodist Deacon ordination track. The group meets several times each semester to discuss common concerns and issues related to becoming a Deacon in the United Methodist Church. Those exploring deacon or diaconal ministries (youth minister, Christian educator, minister of music, pastoral counseling, camp director, etc.) in other Christian traditions are also welcome to join.

Divinity Pride
As a long-time student organization at the school, Divinity Pride commits itself to the equal participation and full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their straight allies (LGBTQA+) in the entire life of the church. The organization strives to be both a prophetic voice to the larger community and also a safe, supportive space for LGBTQA+ students, faculty, and staff throughout DDS. Divinity Pride seeks to accomplish these goals by sponsoring discussions, lectures, and a variety of other programs that are open to all and by being a resource for LGBTQA+ members of our community and those interested in LGBTQA+ experiences at DDS and in the church. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

Divinity Spouses
Divinity Spouses provides social, spiritual, and educational activities for married students and their spouses with the aim of helping spouses know that they are also important, contributing, and welcomed members of the Divinity School community. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

Divinity Veterans Partnership
This group is dedicated to cultivating conversations with students, staff, and faculty to advance the interests of prospective, current, and former service members in the church, world, and academy. Their primary aim is to develop a pastoral response to the problem of war and peace based on a fundamental conviction that God directs us towards peaceful resolution of conflict. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

Duke Divinity Pentecostals and Charismatics.
This organization officially joined the DSC in Fall 2011. This student group exists to create a community for students identifying with Pentecostalism and promotes and advocates for Pentecostals and Charismatics within the student body. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

First Fruits Biblical Orchard
The mission of First Fruits Biblical Orchard is to inspire students, faculty, staff, and all Christians to recognize our interdependence with all God’s creation, to support biblical and theological reflection on God’s redemptive activity in and for creation, to engage in lifestyles of service and care in response to God’s call to till and keep our garden homes, and to empower Christians to take practical steps to reorder and restore humanity’s broken relationships to creation and the Creator. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG)
The Graduate and Professional Student Government advocates for the interests and needs of graduate and professional students at Duke University. Divinity students who are interested are encouraged to participate in this body. For more information, please see Duke Graduate and Professional Student Government.

Global Fellowship (formerly Internationally-Minded People of Faith)
Global Fellowship aims to partner with international friends in ministry and to advocate for justice issues throughout the world. Throughout the school year, Global Fellowship meets for panel discussions on issues at the intersection of the church and the world, views and discusses documentaries, and sponsors social events in partnership with international students. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

La Union Latina
La Union Latina is a student group affiliated with the Hispanic House of Studies that seeks to nurture the body of Christ with a particular care for the Latina/o community. Its mission is to facilitate opportunities for ministry, fellowship and service responding to issues affecting Latinas/os in the United States and abroad. While the focus of the group is on Latina/o communities, the group hopes to provide opportunities for both Latina/o and non-Latina/o students to get involved in these conversations and activities. The group hosts several social and educational programs throughout the year. Contact the Hispanic House of Studies at (919) 660-3599 for current student leadership.

New Creation Arts
New Creation Arts exists to foster creative, theological, and liturgical engagement with the arts at Duke Divinity School and the surrounding and global community. It does this through regular art exhibits in the Divinity School, including an annual, themed Juried Arts Exhibit; fellowship activities, and lending support to other groups hosting arts-related events. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

Presbyterian/Reformed Student Association
This is an active group of students at Duke Divinity School closely affiliated with the Presbyterian/Reformed House of Study that is dedicated to prayer, worship, fellowship, and study. All Reformed-minded students are invited to participate, as well as those of other Christian denominations. Biweekly lunch meetings take on contemporary Christian issues regarding faith as Christians, denominational matters, and issues in the world at large. Members of this group seek to encourage one another in ministry and service and worship regularly at Presbyterian and Reformed churches throughout the Triangle community. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

Sacred Dance Group
The Sacred Dance Group participates in the leadership of community worship through the expression of dance. Sacred Dance has been in existence as a recognized student group since the 2010-2011 school year. This group rehearses on an as-needed basis in order to prepare for ministry in worship. Contact the Office of the Chaplain at (919) 660-3459 for current student leadership.

STAR (Students Thinking Theologically about Reconciliation)
STAR is committed to creating a space for students to openly share their questions about reconciliation in the context of theological education, ministerial preparation and spiritual formation. We cultivate a community that explores what reconciliation is and how we all might be a part of it through intimate conversation with one another and with the Triune God.  Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

Women’s Center
The Women’s Center serves the entire Divinity School community through a focus on the special needs and contributions of women in ministry in and to the church and society. The office is a resource center for the whole community, in addition to a support and action center for women in particular. Throughout the school year, the Women’s Center hosts a weekly pub group to discuss gender-related topics, a weekly men’s group, and regular lectures, workshops, and brown bag lunches with women in leadership. 

Broadway Revue is an annual Duke Divinity School production of popular Broadway musicals featuring music and dancing, produced by Divinity students, and performed by Divinity students, faculty, and staff. This is a major fundraiser that provides financial support for selected community service organizations. Contact for more information.

Caminantes is a group of fellow sojourners seeking to encounter Christ on the roads connecting Duke Divinity School to the world. The group meets every week for spiritual formation from a Hispanic Methodist perspective, where participants read the Bible in Spanish, discuss texts emerging from the Latino community, and learn how to praise and pray in the language of the barrio. There is also the opportunity to attend a spiritual retreat in the fall semester in preparation for an encounter with the Methodist church in Latin America during the spring semester.

Community Suppers are sponsored by the Office of Student Life.  Students, faculty and staff are invited to set aside their work to celebrate what we have in common—our faith in Jesus Christ—as we break bread and rejoice in our common journey.  Contact the Office of Student Life (919) 660-3548 for more information.

Divinity Choirs
Membership in the Divinity Choir, Gospel Choir, and Praise Team is open to all qualified students. The choirs rehearse once a week and sing regularly for weekday worship and at special seasonal programs and services. New members are chosen by informal auditions that are arranged for all that are interested. Contact the Office of the Chaplain at (919) 660-3459 for current student leadership.

Live at the Lampstand
Taking its cue from Matthew 5:15 — “No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house.”— this occasional lunch event is designed to showcase the wealth of gifts and talents of the entire Divinity School community. Live offerings by faculty, staff, and students include vocal and instrumental pieces, original poetry and short story readings, dance, comedy, paintings, skits, etc. Lampstand is a very popular and inspiring event which helps strengthen relationships and spread joy and appreciation among all members of the community. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for current student leadership.

Project BRI(DDD)GE
Project BRI(DDD)GE is  an intensive program for entering students in all hybrid and residential programs—M.A., M.Div., M.T.S., D.Min., Th.M., and Th.D.—that seeks to foster Christian community, outreach, and service within the Durham community. BRI(DDD)GE is held in August before the start of fall classes. Entering students along with local community gardens, ministries with the homeless, reconciliation focused nonprofits, churches, and other social justice focused organizations in a faithful response to the needs of God’s children in the Durham area. Theological reflection on these experiences and immersion in the history and current life of Durham are important components of this program. Applications are automatically mailed to Duke M.Div. and M.T.S. entering students in the month of May prior to August matriculation. Contact the Office of Student Life at (919) 660-3548 for more information.

Email the Divinity Student Council to learn how you can serve on a student council committee.

The Community Care Student Organization is responsible for hospitality and nurture within the Divinity School community. This includes maintaining the community prayer board, meeting regularly to pray for the Divinity School community, and working with the Office of the Divinity School chaplain to coordinate appropriate responses to students in crisis or with special needs.

The Executive Committee consists of the four elected executive members of Divinity Student Council (two co-presidents, treasurer, and secretary) as well as one representative of each class of students. This committee oversees the functioning of all other committees as well as the activities of student groups and other events throughout the year.

Faculty Committees: The student body is also represented on various faculty committees. Students serve with faculty and administration on the Admissions, Faculty Search, Worship, Fine Arts, Curriculum, International Studies and other committees as appointed by the dean.

The Finance Committee is lead by the treasurer of the Divinity Student Council and oversees the execution of the budget for the year. It helps to allocate funds to special projects and events and also facilitates the conference grant fund for students.

The Fellowship Committee helps facilitate community-wide events for students and faculty and their families. The activities include social gatherings during orientation, meals and parties at holiday times, and fellowship times throughout the school terms.

The Imago Dei Committee keeps a listening ear to any community-wide points of interest or tension. They organize the “Say What?” series on various topics that help to bring students, faculty, and administration together in discussion.