Department | Location | Phone Number |
Academic Formation and Programs | Gray 108 | (919) 660-3428 |
Admissions | Westbrook 106 | (919) 660-3436 |
Anglican Episcopal House of Studies | (919) 660-3576 | |
Baptist House of Studies | Gray 215 | (919) 660-3461 |
Black Church Studies | Gray 108 | (919) 660-3461 |
Center for Reconciliation | Gray 017 | (919) 660-3578 |
Chaplain | Westbrook 101 A | (919) 660-3539 |
Clergy Health Initiative | Trent Hall, 310 Trent Drive | (919) 613-5475 |
Communications | Westbrook 0030 | (919) 660-3416 |
Copy Room / Mail Room | Gray 09 | (919) 660-3409 |
Dean’s Office | Langford 150 | (919) 660-3434 |
The Divinity Bookshop | Westbrook 032 | (919) 660-3417 |
Development | Langford 143 | (919) 660-3456 |
Duke Chapel Music Staff | Westbrook 036 | (919) 684-6388 |
External Relations | Langford 143 | (919) 660-3456 |
Facilities | Langford 141 A | (919) 660-3429 |
Field Education | Westbrook 105, Gray 112 | (919) 660-3440 |
Financial Aid | Westbrook 102 | (919) 660-3441 |
General Administration & Finance | Langford 142 | (919) 660-3432 |
Graduate Program in Religion | Gray 209 | (919) 660-3512 |
Human Resources | Langford 146 | (919) 660-3432 |
Leadership Education at Duke Divinity | 1121 W. Chapel Hill Dr. Suite 200 | (919) 613-5323 |
Library | Gray 103 | (919) 660-3450 |
Ministerial Formation | Westbrook 104, Gray 112 | (919) 660-3537 |
Ormond Center | Westbrook 0032 | (919) 660-3489 |
Student Life | Gray 113 | (919) 660-3548 |
Thriving Rural Communities | Gray 023 | (919) 660-3423 |
Wesleyan Engagement | Langford 059 |