We root our mission in the scriptural calling of shalom, love of neighbor, and our hope for God's final consummation of the whole creation.

We accomplish our mission by walking alongside our neighbors, developing innovative solutions that address barriers to thriving; seeking peace, justice, and prosperity in the communities that we share.

Hands tap on a keyboard with a Divinity School pen nearby

Translational Research

Translating Theory Into Practical Research and Tools

From field guides to community engagement, our work funnels theory into actionable thriving in communities.

The Academy of Teaching, Training, and Learning

Cultivating Imagination and Skills Through Courses and Guides

From courses on holistic community thriving to training in a specific field, our work equips practitioners with the tools to be agents of shalom.

People gather around picnic table
Rev. Cedrick Barrett facilitates group

Pathways Towards Impact

Pathways Towards Impact addresses intersecting systemic barriers to thriving, such as poverty, marginalization, oppression, and injustice/inequality, that cause disparities at the community level of the economy.

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