The Anglican Episcopal House of Studies (AEHS) at Duke is a full Anglican seminary program within an ecumenical divinity school at a world-class research university. We are a vibrant community of learning and service that prepares students for Christian leadership throughout the Anglican Communion.
"I have been supported spiritually by AEHS through the continual opportunity for prayer in community. Through daily morning prayer, weekly Holy Eucharist, and monthly noonday prayer. This continual environment of prayer has allowed for a centrality of prayer in my life that has sustained me thus far in my time at Duke Divinity."
AEHS provides accredited training for Episcopal, ACNA, and international dioceses, and Anglican formation for masters and doctoral students with a wide range of vocational goals. Duke’s Anglican community is unique among American seminaries in that our students and faculty represent both the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church in North America, among other provinces.
We worship and pray, train and serve together, as a witness to God’s promise of reconciliation in Jesus Christ and to the vitality of Anglican mission in our time. We prepare the next generation of church leaders through a robust liturgical life, instruction in classical Anglican tradition, and practical training for innovative leadership. Anglican students at Duke are encouraged to grow in many dimensions—in intellectual insight, professional skill, radical service, and personal holiness—reflecting Christ’s commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. All AEHS students participate fully in the life of Duke Divinity School and enjoy access to the many resources of Duke University. In short, AEHS provides an exceptional opportunity for Anglican theological education for service in tomorrow’s church and world.
Jesus Changes Everything: An Afternoon with Stanley Hauerwas
Join Stanley Hauerwas, Brian Zahnd, and Charles E. Moore for a conversation about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus today. The event is co-sponsored with Plough Publishing, the Anglican Episcopal House of Studies, and Acts 2 at Duke.

The Student Experience
The student experience with AEHS focuses on study and worship with a rich, sustaining community life. With daily morning prayer, Eucharist services, and community dinners, AEHS prepares students for ministry and leadership
The Certificate in Anglican Studies
The Certificate in Anglican Studies is designed to serve the academic and formational requirements of students preparing for Anglican/Episcopal ministry, lay and especially ordained. Duke Divinity students can earn their Certificate in Anglican Studies in one, two, or three years in conjunction with the M.Div., M.T.S., or Th.M. degree.

Scholarships & Financial Aid
All Duke Divinity students may participate in AEHS, regardless of denomination or degree program. All students admitted to the M.Div., M.T.S., M.A. in Christian Practice, D.Min., and Th.D. receive some scholarship support, and special scholarships are available for students pursuing the Certificate in Anglican Studies.
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Your donation supports our work building a vibrant community of learning and service that prepares students for Christian leadership throughout the Anglican Communion.