All students admitted to the M.Div., M.T.S., M.A. in Christian Practice, D.Min., and Th.D. receive scholarship support.

Any Duke Divinity student may participate in AEHS, regardless of denomination or degree program. Additional scholarships are sometimes available for students pursuing the Certificate in Anglican Studies.

To be considered for a scholarship, simply choose Anglican or Episcopal as your denominational preference when applying to the Divinity School.

AEHS worship service in Goodson

Funded Field Education Placements

Residential M.Div. Students

Field education placements offered through the Office of Field Education pay residential M.Div. students $10,000 per placement. We provide funded internships at Anglican and Episcopal ministry sites in the local area, nationally, and internationally. Recent locations include Durham, Raleigh, Nashville, Tallahassee, Houston, Dallas, Seattle, England, and France.

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