Each year, our students receive approximately $1.5 million in external support to offset the cost of their tuition and expenses. That’s in addition to the $10.3 million in institutional scholarship and grant support that Duke Divinity School awards to 99% of our students.
Many local churches, conferences, or other governing bodies provide gifts and grants for theological education, such as ministerial education funds in the form of grants and/or service loans to our theological students. Students should apply to their home church, annual conference, presbytery, or other governing body. Our Office of Financial Aid will assist students with completing the required forms to receive such support. Generally, United Methodist students and students from other denominations must be under the care of the appropriate church body to be eligible for denominational support.
Daniel R Hoover Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: Be studying in ministry; full-time, undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in an accredited institution in the U.S. offering a degree in ministry, with a preference for students attending a North Carolina institution or other institutions in the South. See the FAQ.
CONTACT INFORMATION: admin@csascholars.org and FAQ
Harvey Fellowship
ELIGIBILITY: To qualify for the fellowship, applicants must demonstrate personal faith in Jesus Christ and be enrolled in or have applied to a full-time graduate program at a premier university.
CONTACT INFORMATION: https://www.28twelvefoundation.org/#contact
Risden P. Reece Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: Be pursuing a degree in Divinity at an accredited college or university in North Carolina. Preference is given to applicants to attend Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C. Demonstrate academic achievement. Demonstrate financial need. Demonstrate traits of high personal character and leadership. See the FAQ.
CONTACT INFORMATION: admin@csascholars.org or FAQ
Theta Alpha Kappa Clark Award
AWARD AMOUNT: $250 - $500
ELIGIBILITY: The competition is open to current students at the undergraduate or graduate level who satisfy one of these conditions: a) currently enrolled in or having graduated from a school with an active TAK chapter, provided that the paper was written while attending that school and submitted for the competition within 12 months after graduation; or b) currently enrolled in a school that does not have a TAK chapter, provided that the student was inducted in a chapter of TAK at a school previously attended.
CONTACT INFORMATION: https://thetaalphakappa.org/contact/
B.J. Runnels Dean Scholarship Fund - The Community Foundation of Tennessee
AWARD AMOUNT: $500 – $2,500
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be female residents of Tennessee or Texas entering the field of ministry.
CONTACT INFORMATION: kellyp@cfmt.org
Dora Maclellan Brown Ministry Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: Chattanooga, Tenn. area residents, who are theologically and biblically conservative, and who are seeking to continue their education in Christian service work at a theological seminary, bible college, or graduate school.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Jennifer@thegenerositytrust.org
Fellowships for Doctoral Students of African Descent
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be of African descent enrolled or admitted full time in a Th.D or Ph.D program in religious, theological, or religious studies.
CONTACT INFORMATION: ebarnhart@fteleaders.org
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
AWARD AMOUNT: $500 - $5,000
ELIGIBILITY: Must be of Hispanic heritage. U.S. citizen, permanent legal resident, or DACA. Minimum of 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for college and graduate students. Plan to enroll full-time in an accredited, public or nonprofit four-year university or graduate school in the United States.
CONTACT INFORMATION: https://www.hsf.net/contact-us/
Mary E. Blivins Foundation Religious Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: An applicant must be a citizen of the United States of America and a permanent resident of the northernmost twenty-six counties of the Texas Panhandle. A permanent resident of the Texas Panhandle is defined as an individual (1) who has resided or been gainfully employed in the northernmost 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle for the 12-month period immediately preceding the date of application or (2) who has graduated from a high school or college located in the northernmost 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle and has been continuously enrolled in a post-secondary program since leaving the Panhandle.
CONTACT INFORMATION: jessica@blivinsfoundation.org
Roothbert Fund
AWARD AMOUNT: $5,000 – $7,000
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must have a current or intended residency in one of the following states by March 1st of the year in which the application is made: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, or North Carolina. The applicant must be pursuing graduate or undergraduate study at an accredited U.S.-based college or university.
CONTACT INFORMATION: application@roothbertfund.org
Briley Under Resourced Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, candidates must have a definite need for financial assistance and be accepted for full-time enrollment in a degree program at any institution of higher education.
CONTACT INFORMATION: missions@metolina.org
Calihan Academic Grants
ELIGIBILITY: Awards are open to current seminarians or graduate students in theology, philosophy, religion, history, law, politics, economics, or in related fields. Strong academic performance is essential.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Grants-Awards@acton.org
Edna R. Harris Memorial Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, candidates must be a North Carolinian by birth, a long time resident or a resident for the past twelve (12) consecutive months. Be an active member of a North Carolina Baptist Church and be involved in mission organizations OR have been active and involved in the past with continued strong church involvement. Demonstrate financial need. Have a clear sense of call to Christian ministry with preference given to an applicant whose vocational goals are focused on missions. Demonstrate ability to pursue an academic program successfully (3.0 GPA out of 4.0). Provide official transcript of last academic endeavors.
CONTACT INFORMATION: (919) 882-2344 and mailing address: PO Box 4249, Cary, NC 27519-4249
Estelle Beaumont Ellison Individual Education Scholarship - Christ Episcopal Church San Antonio, Texas
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for a scholarship, a student must be a full-time student, of good moral character, exhibit academic excellence (based on the ability of each student), evidence financial need, and regularly participate in a Christian church. Applicants are not required to be a member of Christ Episcopal Church, however, if an applicant is not a member, a reference from a member is required. All applicants must also be residents of the greater San Antonio area.
CONTACT INFORMATION: https://www.cecsa.org/staff
Louisville Institute Doctoral Fellowship
AWARD AMOUNT: $3,000 per year for two years
ELIGIBILITY: The Louisville Doctoral Fellowship invites current religion Ph.D. and Th.D. students in their first or second year of doctoral study to consider theological education as a vocation. Many of our applicants are scholars in areas related to Christian faith and life, the practice of ministry, religious trends and movements, Christian and other faith-based institutions, and religion and social issues.
CONTACT INFORMATION: fellowships@louisville-institute.org
The Margaret Yardley Fellowship Fund
ELIGIBILITY: Resident of the state of New Jersey engaged in graduate study, with financial need for tuition only. Students who apply while still undergraduate seniors must already be accepted into a graduate studies program at the time application is submitted. Students already enrolled in post graduate studies and are scheduled to obtain their degrees in May or the summer not eligible to apply. Applications available on website: www.njsfwc.org.
CONTACT INFORMATION: 732-249-5474, njsfwc@njsfwc.org
National Federation of the Blind (NFTB)
AWARD AMOUNT: $3,000 - $8,000
ELIGIBILITY: Must be legally blind (PDF) in both eyes. Must reside in the U.S., the District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico. Must be pursuing or planning to pursue a full-time, post-secondary course of study in a degree program at a U.S. institution in the fall of the year of application. Must participate in the entire NFB National Convention and in all of its scheduled scholarship program activities (finalists will receive assistance to attend the national convention).
R.H. Boyd Family Endowment Fund Boyd Fellow
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be African American residing in the United States and matriculating in a program of study wherein African American representation among master’s and doctoral degree holders is historically less than the proportion of African Americans in the U.S. population.
CONTACT INFORMATION: customerservice@rhboyd.com
The Walter S. Barr Fellowship - The Horace Smith Fund
ELIGIBILITY: Walter S. Barr Fellowships for graduate student scholarships are awarded to permanent or qualified former residents of Hampden County who graduated from an eligible high school and are pursuing full-time post-graduate degrees. If that degree program requires more than one year of full-time study, the award can be renewed for as many as two additional years, if warranted.
CONTACT INFORMATION: info@horacesmithfund.org or (413) 739-4222
Craig Holbrook Parham Scholarship
Application Deadline: April 30
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: The Craig Holbrook Parham Scholarship Fund was established for the sole purpose of providing scholarship assistance to students pursuing degrees from accredited theological seminary for full-time Christian service.
Contact: https://www.fbcgwd.org/contact-us
Francis Nathaniel and Kathryn Padgett Kennedy Foundation
AWARD AMOUNT: Up to $3,000
ELIGIBILITY: Scholarships for full-time seminary students (master-level and doctoral) from South Carolina. Residents from Laurens County and upper Piedmont are given first preference. Preference for applicants who wish to serve as an international missionary or as a Christian educator in a local congregation. Contact Bev Kennedy by phone or email to request an application.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Bev Kennedy, dbkennedy@prtcnet.com (864) 923-0254
Japanese American Citizens League Graduate Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: Every applicant must be an active National Japanese American Citizens League member. JACL membership is open to everyone of any ethnic background. Applicants must also be planning to attend full-time at a college, university, trade school, business school, or any other institution of higher learning within the United States at the undergraduate or graduate school level.
CONTACT INFORMATION: ccheng@jacl.org
J. Milton Richardson Theological Fellowship - Alpha Tau Omega Foundation
ELIGIBILITY: The scholarship is awarded to an ATO who plans to attend, or is enrolled in, an accredited graduate school in theology or the seminary with the plans to become a member of the clergy.
Marguerite Young Endowment Fund
ELIGIBILITY: Through the Pittsburgh Foundation, the Marguerite Young Endowment Fund awards scholarships to seminary students and interns of the Protestant Church who are preparing for a full-time ministry career. Applicants must be M.Div. candidates or students pursuing a theology degree with a minimum 2.0 GPA.
CONTACT INFORMATION: pittsburghfoundation@scholarshipamerica.org
Nancy A. Hardesty Memorial Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: The NAHMS is a $1,000 scholarship given each year to a college senior or graduate student with a strong commitment to Christian feminism who is pursuing studies in religion or theology. The scholarship is awarded to a student who aspires to exemplify the values and achievements of Nancy A. Hardesty, a founding member of the Christian Feminism Today organization.
W.B. Small Trust Scholarship
AWARD AMOUNT: Up to $2,500
ELIGIBILITY: Each year, we award up to 18 scholarships to seminary students who have lived or currently live in Iowa. These students must be pursuing an Mdiv degree which leads to ordination.
CONTACT INFORMATION: http://www.wbsmalltrust.com/contact
Unitarian Universalist Ministerial Scholarships
ELIGIBILITY: The Ministerial Credentialing Office administers scholarship funds available to students who are in aspirant or candidate status, and who are enrolled in a Master of Divinity degree program leading to fellowship as a Unitarian Universalist minister.
Justin and Sara Haruyama Ministerial Scholarship (JSHMS)
ELIGIBILITY: This scholarship is offered to persons of Japanese ancestry, including those who were born in Japan and have obtained permanent residency status in Japan, accepted or enrolled full time in a credited Protestant seminary in the US, and preparing for ministerial degrees who intend to serve Japanese American congregations or other church related ministries.
CONTACT INFORMATION: ministryjauc@gmail.com or 212-242-9444
Military Chaplains Association Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for this scholarship, students must be enrolled full-time in an accredited seminary, have ecclesiastical endorsement for service as a military chaplain, and be enrolled in the chaplain program.
CONTACT INFORMATION: chaplains@mca-usa.org
Shepherds for the Savior - Christian Ministry Education Grant
ELIGIBILITY: Supports students obtaining an education to enter into a ministry field.
Society for the Increase of the Ministry Scholarships
ELIGIBILITY: Scholarships are open to those pursuing a theological education for these orders of ministry: the diaconate, the presbyterate and calls to ministry as a member of the order of the laity. Theological education may be pursued in Episcopal seminaries, in university divinity schools and in diocesan schools for ministry.
CONTACT INFORMATION: info@simministry.org
Theta Alpha Kappa Graduate Fellowship
AWARD AMOUNT: $1,000 - $3,000
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be entering the first year of their graduate program. Applicants must have obtained their undergraduate degree within the past three years from an institution with a TAK chapter in which they were inducted as a member.
CONTACT INFORMATION: https://thetaalphakappa.org/contact/
Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship (NAACP)
ELIGIBILITY: Scholarships available to members of the NAACP. Be Black or a person of color. Possess a grade point average of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 system. Be a graduating high school senior, undergraduate student, or graduate student for applicable scholarships. Demonstrate financial need. Be under the age of 25 during the time of application submission.
CONTACT INFORMATION: scholarships@naacpnet.org
Alvera Mickelsen Memorial Scholarship, AMMS
ELIGIBILITY: Women who support CBE’s mission and core values. Demonstrate the commitments that characterized Alvera, including a love of Scripture, social justice, women’s equality, and are able to communicate these ideas clearly. Be enrolled and in good academic standing in a master’s program (in or outside the U.S.) that is recognized as accredited in the U.S. Be pursuing a ministry career in a field related to preaching, communications, writing, pastoral work, youth ministry, or nonprofit work.
CONTACT INFORMATION: cbe@cbeinternational.org
James Weldon Johnson Scholarship (NAACP)
ELIGIBILITY: Scholarships available to members of the NAACP. Be Black or a person of color. Possess a grade point average of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 system. Be a graduating high school senior, undergraduate student, or graduate student for applicable scholarships.
CONTACT INFORMATION: scholarships@naacpnet.org
Naomi Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: The scholarship is for women over 40. The ideal candidate for the Naomi Scholarship will be able to articulate how her own life models the story of a brave choice to seize opportunity despite life challenges and use that opportunity to make a lasting contribution to the world around her.
CONTACT INFORMATION: promotingRED@gmail.com
Ruth Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: The scholarship is designed to be awarded for women ages 16-25. The ideal candidate for the Ruth Scholarship will be able to articulate how her own life models the story of a brave choice to overcome adversity or difficulty and how she will use the experience to make a lasting contribution to the world around her.
CONTACT INFORMATION: promotingRED@gmail.com
Beth E. Marcus Scholarship Fund
ELIGIBILITY: The Reformed Church in America (RCA) awards this scholarship to female seminarians in a full-time or part-time MA, M.Div., or Master of Theological Studies program at an approved institution. Applicants must be active members of the RCA with intentions to pursue a career in missions and ministry. They must also have a minimum 3.0 GPA and a four-year degree.
Charles C. Coffey Memorial Scholarship
APPLICATION DEADLINE: July 1 and December 1
ELIGIBILITY: The scholarship is awarded twice annually (spring and fall semesters) to a student pursuing a graduate level degree from an accredited seminary or divinity school.
CONTACT INFORMATION: finance@firstbaptistkannapolis.com
Alpha Kappa Alpha Graduate Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: Be a full-time student. Be currently enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution. Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 ("B" average). Demonstrate community service and involvement. Demonstrate a financial need.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Charmaine Boston, (800) 653-6528, cboston@akaeaf.net
Patsy Takemoto Mink Scholarship
AWARD AMOUNT: Up to $5,000
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, applicants must be a mother with minor children, low-income, and pursuing a first degree at a post-secondary level of education.
CONTACT INFORMATION: https://www.patsyminkfoundation.org/who-we-are
Forum for Theological Exploration - Discernment Lab Cohorts
AWARD AMOUNT: Up to $12,000
ELIGIBILITY: The Denominational Cohort is designed for denominational leaders who are responsible for designing or managing young adult vocational programming and/or mentoring young adult candidates seeking ordination. The Congregational Cohort is designed for leaders who work with young adult ministries. These leaders primarily include professional and lay ministers in traditional and non-traditional worshiping communities.
CONTACT INFORMATION: crepoley@fteleaders.org
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, your birth parents must have both been born outside of the U.S. as non-U.S. citizens, and both parents must not have been eligible for U.S. citizenship at the time of their births. Additional criteria are listed on the website.
CONTACT INFORMATION: PDSoros@pdsoros.org or (212) 405-8234
American Fellowships
AWARD AMOUNT: $8,000 - $50,000
ELIGIBILITY: AAUW American Fellowships support women scholars who are pursuing full-time study to complete dissertations, conducting postdoctoral research full time, or preparing research for publication for eight consecutive weeks. Women, including people who identify as women. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of scholarly excellence; quality and originality of project design; and active commitment to helping women and girls through service in their communities, professions, or fields of research.
CONTACT INFORMATION: aauw@applyists.com, 866.795.4892, M-F, 8-5pm, CT
International Fellowships
AWARD AMOUNT: $20,000 - $50,000
ELIGIBILITY: International Fellowships have been in existence since 1917. The program provides support for women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the U.S. who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and who intend to return to their home country to pursue a professional career. Women, including people who identify as women.
CONTACT INFORMATION: aauw@applyists.com, 866.795.4892, M-F, 8-5pm, CT
P.E.O. Scholar Awards
ELIGIBILITY: The P.E.O. Scholar Awards are one-time competitive merit-based awards intended to recognize and encourage academic excellence and achievement by women in doctoral-level programs. These awards provide partial support for study and research. P.E.O. Scholars have demonstrated their ability to make significant contributions in their chosen field of study, having assumed leadership positions in university academics, scientific research, medicine, law, performing arts, international economics, history, literature, government and other demanding fields.
CONTACT INFORMATION: (515) 255-3153 or psa@peodsm.org
P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship (IPS)
ELIGIBILITY: The P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to women from outside the U.S. and Canada who are seeking advanced degrees from an accredited college or university in the U.S. or Canada with the expectation that students will return to their home countries to utilize their education to make a positive impact and foster global peace. In order to qualify for her first scholarship, an applicant must have a full year of coursework remaining, be enrolled and in residence for the entire school year.
CONTACT INFORMATION: (515) 255-3153 or psa@peodsm.org
The Champions for Christ Foundation Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: Scholarship applications are open to students that are committed to going into full-time Christian ministry.
CONTACT INFORMATION: https://championsforchrist.us/index.php/contact
Chaplain Samuel Grover Powell Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: Be enrolled at an accredited theological seminary. Be in either their middle or senior year. Be involved in the Chaplain Candidate (Seminarian) Program, or serving in a military reserve component after having completed an active duty tour in one of the United States armed forces. Preference is given to students in their senior year who plan to serve in the United States Air Force. However, persons preparing for chaplaincy in any branch of the military will be considered. Award recipients are expected to serve in the United States chaplaincy upon completion of seminary, ordination, and endorsement.
CONTACT INFORMATION: umhef@umhef.org / (615) 649-3990
Eastern Star Training Award
ELIGIBILITY: Awards available to M.Div. students. Letters of recommendation, transcript, and photo required with application. Students need not have a Masonic or Eastern Star affiliation, but must be sponsored by a local chapter, preferably in their hometown. Call (202) 667-4737 for more information in a specific state, or to receive contact details for local branches.
Segal AmeriCorps Education Award
ELIGIBILITY: After successfully completing your AmeriCorps term of service and enrolling in the National Service Trust, you are eligible to receive the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award. You can use the award to repay qualified student loans and to pay current educational expenses at eligible institutions of higher education and training programs.
CONTACT INFORMATION: help@americorps.gov
Veterans Educational Assistance
ELIGIBILITY: Scholarships available to U.S. military veterans who have served in active duty for more than 180 days.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Contact your local VA Office
Denominational Scholarships
For more information, contact the chairperson or register at the conference link.
Alabama-West Florida Conference
Alaska United Methodist Conference
Arkansas United Methodist Conference
Baltimore-Washington Conference
California-Nevada Annual Conference Scholarships
California-Pacific Annual Conference Scholarships
Central Texas Annual Conference
Detroit Annual Conference Scholarships
Hope United Methodist Church Seminary Grants
Application Deadline: April
Award Amount: $250 - $500
Eligibility: Awards available to United Methodist students entering ministerial fields including Christian education, missions, or music ministry. First preference - First District members. Second Preference - Detroit Conference members, then others. Applicants must be certified candidates in the Detroit Annual Conference
Contact Information: 303-779-1040
East Ohio Conference Seminary Scholarships
East Ohio United Methodist Foundation
Eastern Pennsylvania Conference
Greater New Jersey Conference Scholarships
Illinois Great Rivers Conference
Onarga United Methodist Church Barber Scholarship
Application Deadline: May 31
Award Amount: Up to $500
Eligibility: Grants available to students pursuing ordained ministry, Christian Education, Youth Ministry, or other specialized ministries within the church. Preference is given to United Methodist students, in particular those from the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference.
Contact Information: Applications may be obtained by contacting the Barber Scholarship Committee at the Onarga United Methodist Church by email (methodistof@att.net) or by U.S. Mail (109 East Seminary Avenue Onarga, IL 60955-1240).
Indiana United Methodist Scholarships/Grants
Iowa Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
Louisiana Annual Conference Scholarships
Mississippi Annual Conference Grant
Nebraska Annual Conference Grants & Scholarships
Urban Ministry Scholarship Program
North Alabama Annual Conference Grant
Emma Kapp Ogburn Memorial Scholarship
Application Deadline: April 1
Award Amount: $1,000
Eligibility: The Emma Kapp Ogburn Memorial Scholarship is awarded for $1,000 to cover post-secondary tuition costs for residents of North Carolina’s Forsyth County who are pursuing a degree in theology, Christian ministry, or religious studies. Applicants must be members of the Methodist denomination, show dedication to serving in ministry or Christian education, attend an accredited in-state institution, and submit three Church references.
Contact Information: Download and submit completed applications to Stacy Holley at sholley@centenary-ws.org or contact her at 336-724-6311, ext. 1359.
North Georgia Conference Scholarships
Northern Illinois Annual Conference
Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference
Red Bird Missionary Conference
South Carolina Annual Conference Scholarships
South Georgia Annual Conference
James G. Blakemore Fund
Application Deadline: March
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: There are various scholarships available to members and non-members of West End United Methodist Church. Applicants must be full-time students.
Contact Information: Applications may be obtained by contacting Bonnie Seay by email (baseay@aol.com) or by U.S. Mail (2200 West End Avenue Nashville, TN 37203).
Calvary Endowed Scholarship Fund
Application Deadline: July 1
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Applicants must be an active participant or member of the Calvary United Methodist Church for at least 2 years.
Contact Information: 703-892-5185
Western North Carolina Annual Conference Scholarships
Western North Carolina Conference Ministerial Education Fund
Application Deadline: August 15 - Fall / January 15 - Spring
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Service loans available to certified candidates for ministry in the Western North Carolina Conference
Virginia Annual Conference Scholarships
American Baptist Home Mission Societies Scholarships
Application Deadline: May 31
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Applicants must be American Baptist students who reside in the United States or Puerto Rico enrolled at an accredited college/university or graduate program in the United States or Puerto Rico with a minimum GPA of 2.75.
Contact Information: scholarships@abhms.org
American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin Grants
Application Deadline: July 1
Award Amount: $2,000
Eligibility: Open to American Baptist MDiv students enrolled full-time. Applicants must have a membership in an ABC in Wisconsin.
American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin
15330 Watertown Plank Road
Elm Grove, WI 53122-2391
Contact Information: 800-311-3140
American Baptist Women of New Jersey Degenring Scholarship Fund
Application Deadline: March 1
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: To be eligible, applicants must have membership in an ABC in New Jersey for at least 5 years and be pursuing a career in Christian service.
Contact Information:
American Baptist Women of New Jersey
36-10 Garden View Terrace
East Windsor, NJ 08520
American Baptist Women’s Scholarship Fund
Application Deadline: January 31
Award Amount: $500
Eligibility: Applicants must be women who are preparing for full-time Christian service in the American Baptist Church, USA. Preference will be given to residents of the Pacific Northwest who are attending an American Baptist institution, but others may apply.
Contact Information:
American Baptist Women’s Ministries of the Pacific Northwest
409 Third Avenue S., Suite A
Kent, WA 98032-5843
Phone: 360-636-4716
Adora S. Jones Ministerial Trust Scholarship Fund
Application Deadline: November
Award Amount: $700 - $1,500
Eligibility: Applicants must have been Iowa residents prior to college entry. Enrollment in a seminary is required and must be actively pursuing studies toward preaching the Gospel in the United Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist or Congregational Churches.
Contact Information: To request an application call 319-396-5479 or email Robert Thompson (robertdtia@gmail.com).
Baptist Communicators Association Scholarship
Application Deadline: March
Award Amount: $500
Eligibility: Graduate applicants must be studying in a related field and have vocational aspirations in Baptist communications.
Contact Information: margaretcolson@bellsouth.net
Briley Ministerial Scholarship
Application Deadline: February 15
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: To be eligible, candidates must be committed to preparing for full-time Christian ministry, be a member of a local church associated with the Metrolina Baptist Association, Charlotte, NC, and be of the evangelical Protestant faith or background.
Contact: missions@metrolina.org
The Bullard Family Scholarship
Application Deadline: February 15
Award Amount: $500 - $2,500
Eligibility: To be eligible, applicants must be committed to preparing for full-time Christian ministry, be a North Carolina resident for at least one year prior to making an application and be a member (or parents are a member) of a church affiliated with the Baptist State Convention of NC.
Contact: scholarships@ncbaptistfoundation.org
Charles B. Keesee Educational Fund
Application Deadline: Return Applicants deadline March 1, New Applicants deadline April 1. (M.Div.); May 1 (D.Min.)
Award Amount: Varies (normally between $1,000 and $8,000)
Eligibility: Financial assistance for Baptists from Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia planning to serve Baptist churches
Contact Information: 276-632-2229
The Martha Watson Scholarship
Application Deadline: February 15
Award Amount: $500 - $2,500
Eligibility: To be eligible, applicants must be a North Carolina resident for at least one year prior to making an application and be a member of a church affiliated with the North Carolina Baptist Foundation Incorporated and/or the Baptist State Convention of NC.
Contact Information: scholarships@ncbaptistfoundation.org
Sarah Owen Etheridge Scholarship
Application Deadline: October
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: The Baptist Women in Ministry of Georgia award a scholarship to a Baptist Woman who is from or currently resides in Georgia and who is currently enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral Program. Applicants may attend a Baptist or non-Baptist seminary.
Contact Information: jessica.asbell@gmail.com
T.B. Maston Scholarship
Application Deadline: January 15
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Applicants should be a doctoral student in a PhD, ThD, or DMin program, pursuing studies in any field (theology, history, Bible, etc.) whose research and dissertation/thesis focus on Christian Ethics. They should be rooted in Baptist congregational life, involved in “historic” Baptist traditions, and committed to research and study that will engage the larger Christian community and the world in living life ethically.
Contact Information: scholarships@tbmaston.org
William G. and Margaret B. Frasier Scholarship
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, students must be studying for the Baptist Ministry, be residents of North Carolina, and plan to attend full-time an accredited college, theological seminary or any other institution of higher learning, offering a degree in the Baptist Ministry, located in the United States. Additional Desired Qualifications: a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale and demonstrate financial need. FAQ's
CONTACT INFORMATION: admin@csascholars.org and FAQ
WMU Scholarship
Application Deadline: February
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: The WMU Foundation and national WMU assist Southern Baptist students, including the children of Baptist missionaries (NAMB & IMB), and those preparing for Baptist missions’ service. Individuals with no current Baptist connection cannot be considered for a scholarship.
Contact Information: scholarships@wmu.org
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Global (Decatur, Georgia)
- At-Large Leadership Scholarships
Description: Baptist students enrolled in a master of divinity degree program at an accredited institution of higher education may apply for the CBF At-Large Leadership Scholarship. The Ministries Council of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship will recommend these scholars based on the application of the students and the belief that the students selected represent the best possible potential local ministry leaders for the mission and the ministry of CBF. Applications should include:
CBF At-Large Leadership Scholarship Application
Church Leader Reference Form
Professor Reference Form
Personal Reference Form
Application Deadline: The At-Large Leadership Scholarship application opens in January and concludes April 14. For more information, reach out to Callie Davis (cdavis@div.duke.edu / 919-660-3599).
- Vestal Scholarships
Description: CBF will award up to two Vestal Scholarships to Baptist students currently enrolled in one of the fourteen schools of the CBF Consortium of Theological Schools. Scholars will be chosen by a selection committee named by CBF from the current cohort of Leadership Scholars. Selections will be made based on the application of the students and the belief that the students selected represent the best possible potential local ministry leaders for the mission and the ministry of CBF.
Eligibility: Students selected as a Vestal Scholar must meet the following qualifications:
- Demonstrate a deep commitment and ongoing relationship with Christ
- Clearly identify with CBF or espouse core values of CBF, showing leadership potential within the Fellowship
- Rising into his/her 2nd or 3rd year as a student
- Be a current recipient of the CBF Leadership Scholarship
- Maintain at least a 3.5 grade point average
- Demonstrate a commitment to congregational ministries
- Be involved in a CBF church and campus leadership
Application Deadline: January 9
For more information, reach out to Callie Davis (cdavis@div.duke.edu / 919-660-3599).
North Carolina CBF Theological Education Scholarships
Application Deadline: Varies
Award Amount: Up to $3,000
Eligibility: Scholarship is open to MDiv, DMin, and ThD/PhD students. Applicants from North Carolina attending schools outside the state are also encouraged to apply.
Contact Information: Callie Davis (cdavis@div.duke.edu / 919-660-3599)
Florida CBF Scholarship
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Florida has scholarship money available to theological students who meet the following criteria: participating members of the Florida CBF, have financial need, and provide a letter of request submitted to the Florida CBF Education Ministry. The application deadline is June 1. To download an application form, visit the website.
South Carolina CBF Scholarship
Awarded to theological students from South Carolina enrolled in one of the CBF partner schools (Duke Divinity School is a CBF partner school). To download an application form, visit the website.
Tennessee CBF Scholarship
The Tennessee Cooperative Baptist Fellowship awards a $1,000 scholarship to a divinity school student each academic year.
Logue-Higgins Scholarship
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Arkansas annually provides up to three $1,000 scholarships for Arkansas seminarians. Applications are received by the Scholarship Advisory Committee of the CBFAR Coordinating Council due March 15th, and the scholarship recipients are announced by April 22nd to be awarded for the following Fall semester. The process is inclusive of the diversity of Baptist students with connections to Arkansas.
BGAV Ministerial Education Funds
The Baptist General Association of Virginia offers financial assistance to theological students who meet the following criteria: college graduate, membership in a BGVA affiliated church, residency in the state of Virginia at least a year prior to receiving financial aid, and endorsement by a BGVA affiliated church. To download an application form, visit the website.
Women’s Ordination Conference Bishop Frank Murphy Scholarship for Women in Ministry
Application Deadline: Varies
Award Amount: $1,000
Eligibility: Applicants eligible must be members of the Women’s Ordination Conference enrolled or accepted in a graduate theological program of study or diocesan certificate program and preparing for Catholic ministry
Contact Information: woc@womensordination.org
Disciples Home Missions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Scholarships
Application Deadline: March 15
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: In order to be eligible, applicants must have a membership in a DOC congregation for at least one year, be enrolled in an ATS accredited school of seminary, and be preparing for ministry in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada.
Contact Information: 317-713-2668 & 317-713-2666
Higher Education & Leadership Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Scholarships
Application Deadline: April
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Students must be pursuing a PhD in religion to be eligible.
Contact Information: PhDScholarships@helmdisciples.org
The Church Training and Deaconess House Scholarship
Application Deadline: March 15
Award Amount: $2,000 - $6,000
Eligibility: Funds are available to women seeking to be ordained to the ministry or for a post-baccalaureate degree program which would further her lay ministry. Preference is given to residents of the Diocese of Pennsylvania.
Contact Information: barbarawabbott@gmail.com
Dubose Foundation Scholarships
Application Deadline: Varies
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Eligibility varies among the different scholarships available.
Contact Information: dubosefd@sewanee.edu
Episcopal Church Center
Application Deadline: Varies
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Scholarships for Episcopal seminary students
Contact Information: 212-716-6000
Holy Trinity Centennial Scholarship
Application Deadline: March
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: The sole function of the Trust is to provide scholarship aid to persons actively involved in or committed to future participation in the ministry of the Episcopal Church or the Anglican Communion.
Contact Information: https://www.holytrinity.org/contact-us/
The Order of the Daughters of the King Master’s Fund
Application Deadline: April 30
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Scholarship provides financial assistance to women for ministry-related education with an emphasis on the intended church-related career of the applicant, so that attendance at any accredited college, university or graduate school is permitted.
Contact Information: MastersFund@doknational.org
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Scholarships
Application Deadline: February
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: There are multiple scholarships offered by the ELCA Fund for Leaders with varying eligibility requirements.
Contact Information: fundforleaders@ecla.org
Abdel Ross Wentz Prize in American Lutheran History
Application Deadline: September
Award Amount: $2,500
Eligibility: To qualify for this competition, papers either may combine original research with interpretive analysis of any aspect of American Lutheran history, or they may provide an interpretive critique of published research or narrative history in the field. Congregational or other institutional studies will meet the requirement if they illumine broader trends within American Lutheranism. Submissions are to be history papers.
Contact Information: info@lutheranhistoricalsociety.com
Siebert Lutheran Foundation Grants
Application Deadline: June 1
Award Amount: Up to $3,000
Eligibility: Scholarship assistance provided to full-time MDiv students from Wisconsin. Students may not apply directly, and instead, interested students should have their home pastor request application forms.
Contact Information: contactus@siebertfoundation.org
Women of the ELCA Scholarship for Lutheran Laywomen
Application Deadline: April
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must be a citizen of the United States, hold a membership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, be at least 21 years old, and have experienced an interruption in education of two or more years since completion of high school or college.
Contact Information: WomenECLA@ecla.org
Presbyterian Church, USA
Application Deadline: May 13
Award Amount: $1,000 - $6,000
Eligibility: Presbyterian Church (USA) students attending any accredited seminary in the US are encouraged to apply.
Contact Information: finaid@pcusa.org
Cannon Endowment Scholarship for Seminarians
Application Deadline: March 1
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: The Cannon Endowment provides scholarship assistance to seminarians planning to become military chaplains. Seminarians who are of the following faith communities may apply: United Church of Christ, Christian Church Disciples of Christ, Presbyterian USA, United Methodist, and Church of the Brethren.
Contact Information: 216-736-2100
Daisy and Eugene Hale Memorial Scholarship
Application Deadline: April 1
Award Amount: $500 - $2,000
Eligibility: Eligible applicants must be Presbyterian (USA) seminary students who intend to be a Minister of the Word and Sacrament in the PC-USA. Applicants must have Florida residency, under the care of a Florida Presbytery.
Contact Information: 904-355-4585
Harold B. and Dorothy A. Snyder Scholarship
Application Deadline: March 15
Amount: Up to $5,000
Eligibility: To be eligible, students must be a graduate pursuing a degree/vocation in ministry at an accredited educational institution. Students must also have a New Jersey connection.
Contact Information:
Harold B. and Dorothy A. Snyder Foundation
P. O. Box 671
Moorestown, NJ 08057-0671
Higgins Scholarship
Application Deadline: March 31
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Scholarships are for full-time degree students preparing for church occupations. Preference given to students under the care of the Presbytery of Chicago.
Contact Information: 312-488-3000
Hotson Trust
Application Deadline: June 1
Award Amount: $500
Eligibility: Grants to Presbyterian students at theological schools.
Contact Information: 318-222-0604
National Korean Presbyterian Women
Application Deadline: June 1
Award Amount: $1,000
Eligibility: Scholarships available to female, second-generation Korean Americans. Applicants should possess outstanding academic ability and leadership skills.
Contact Information: nkpw1987@gmail.com
Santavicca Scholarship Fund
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, candidates should have been endorsed by his/her session and enrolled at least as an inquirer by the Presbytery of the candidate’s local church. Ordinarily shall be a full-time student at a theological seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Seminaries with the intent to pursue the work of Christian ministry or to enhance one’s professional skills in ministry through continuing education. Shall have achieved a notable academic record.
CONTACT INFORMATION: (513) 523-6364, office@oxfordpresbychurch.org
Speer Education Grant
Application Deadline: April 20
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Scholarships are available to Presbyterian students in their second or third year who are under the care of a Presbytery and preparing for ordination in the Presbyterian Church. Preference will be given to members of Westminster Church and the New Castle Presbytery.
Contact Information:
Westminster Presbyterian Church
1504 West 13th Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
Wurffel-Sills Student Aid
Application Deadline: April 30
Award Amount: $500 - $5,000
Eligibility: Applicants must be a member of any Presbyterian Church (USA) within the Synod of the Northeast. The application is open to full-time undergraduate students, full-time or part-time (at least half-time) students enrolled in seminary studies leading to a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or Master of Religious Education (MRE), and students enrolled in a seminary study program to fulfill Commissioned Pastor/Commissioned Ruling Elder (CRE) certification requirements.
Contact Information: Stacey Galloway, 800-585-5881
United Church of Christ Ministry Education Scholarships
Application Deadline: March 1
Award Amount: Varies
Eligibility: To qualify for a United Church of Christ Ministry Education Scholarship, applicants must have a membership in a UCC congregation for at least one year at time of application, be enrolled in an ATS accredited seminary towards a course of study leading to ordained ministry, and agree to serve in the UCC or a partner church on completion of seminary.
Contact Information: 216-736-2100
- General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (for Methodist students)
- United Methodist Higher Education Foundation (for UMC students)
- Fastweb.com
- Collegenet.com
- U.S. Department of Education FAFSA
- U.S. Department of Education Discretionary Grant Application Packages
- United Negro College Fund (UNCF) (for minority students)
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) (for Hispanic students)
- American Indian College Fund (for Native-American students)
- Eastern Star Religious Training Award
- CSA Scholars
- Korean American Scholarship Foundation