Anglican Spiritual Formation (ASF) is a program offered through the Anglican Episcopal House of Studies. It encompasses a Rule of Life for students individually and for the community as a whole.

The aim is Christian ministerial formation: to help one another develop the skills, habits, character, and collegiality that will foster growth in the Christian faith and underpin a lifetime of ministry and service (ordained or lay) within an Anglican/Episcopal setting.

Commitments to Anglican Spiritual Formation include:

  • AEHS worship Monday through Friday—Morning Prayer and weekly Eucharist
  • AEHS colloquia and training workshops
  • Regular spiritual direction
  • Advising with the AEHS Director or Associate Director
  • Special events
  • Community gatherings and celebrations

"AEHS has grounded my spiritual life at Duke Divinity School. From praying the Daily Office to regularly celebrating Eucharist together, AEHS has infused my education with prayer. AEHS has taught me how to develop a life a prayer that daily draws me into a deeper relationship with God."