Published February 27, 2025
Student Al Dean Jr. at his field education placement at Mt. Bright Missionary Baptist Church in Hillsborough, North Carolina
Al Dean Jr., M.Div. '25

Al Dean Jr., M.Div. '25, believes it is vital to know the people and recognize the history of the places that he serves in ministry. That's why he appreciated that his field education placement at Mt. Bright Missionary Baptist Church in Hillsborough, N.C. gave him the space to build authentic relationships and learn about the community. 

The field education component of the Master of Divinity program at Duke Divinity School gives every M.Div. student the contextual learning opportunity to serve in a church, nonprofit, or other setting under the guidance of a trained supervisor.

"Throughout my field education at this church, it has been clear that we must have courageous conversations to get to know each other," said Dean. In the conversations, he learned that at least one of the families at the church has lived in Hillsborough dating back to segregated schools. 

"It is a crucial reminder that our history is essential, and we must take the time to remember how far God has brought us," he said. "[The people at Mt. Bright] hold onto the spreading of the love and word of God. That’s what it is all about. The church emphasizes involving the community and bringing people together regardless of their background."

Dr. Dewey Williams, the pastor Mt. Bright Missionary Baptist Church, served as a field education supervisor for Dean. 

"My supervisor is an excellent example of a leader who cares about and appreciates God’s people," said Dean. "Seeing his leadership allowed me to see firsthand what pastoral care and knowledge obtained from Duke Divinity looks like when put to work. 

"Throughout this placement, I saw and heard Dr. Williams explain biblical scripture, listen to the concerns, adjust when needed, and demonstrate patience. As people, we face many challenges in life, but this placement has helped me lean into the impact of caring for your neighbors. Seeing these moments allowed me to grow professionally and spiritually by seeing the will of God displayed in people’s lives."

Al Dean jr. and his field education supervisor Dr. Dewey Williams
Dean (left) and his Williams, his field education supervisor (right)


My supervisor is an excellent example of a leader who cares about and appreciates God’s people. Seeing his leadership allowed me to see firsthand what pastoral care and knowledge obtained from Duke Divinity looks like when put to work.


Learning That's Not Available in the Classroom

Williams has been the pastor at Mt. Bright Missionary Baptist Church in Hillsborough for over six years. During that time, he has mentored 13 different Duke Divinity students during their field education placements. 

Field education supervisor Dr. Dewey Williams
Dr. Dewey Williams

"Generally, the students come into the placement not certain about what they will experience," said Williams, "and there is often a leeriness about what will be expected of them, but students doing field education get an aspect of learning that is not available in the classroom."  

While they may enter the placement with nervous uncertainty, Williams said that students leave they experience thankful for the time they had with the congregation. 

Said Williams, "Theories and doctrines come face-to-face with real live congregants and community participants. Field placement teaches students how to process and manage one’s ideas about ministry with actual live persons and the dynamics of varied ministry groups."

In addition to his pastorate, Williams engages with prison ministry at least once a month and is able to share wisdom with students about this experience as well. He authored the book, Finding Joy On Death Row: Unexpected Lessons From Lives We Discarded, that details his life experiences and how the men and women on death row impacted him and his ministry. 

Williams experience in both prison ministry and the local church has given him a deep theological understanding and capacity for pastoral care, which he enjoys sharing with his interns. 

"My favorite part of being a field education supervisor is listening to the students share their stories, their concepts, and their aspirations for the future," said Williams. "Praying with them about discernment and directions for their lives has always brought me joy."



Theories and doctrines come face-to-face with real live congregants and community participants. Field placement teaches students how to process and manage one’s ideas about ministry with actual live persons and the dynamics of varied ministry groups.


A Legacy of Service

When he was young, Dean's mother and grandmother founded the faith-based nonprofit "God’s Unlimited Soldiers" in Charleston, W.Va. The organization worked to increase mentorship for Black and brown communities while fighting against violence, teenage pregnancy, and lack of resources in the community. 

Said Dean, "Growing up, it was powerful to have a family that cared deeply about their neighbors, which was instilled in our entire family. I was aware of my calling because I was taught the importance of serving others and doing the work of God."

With a background full of complex stories, Dean decided to come to Duke Divinity because he saw the need for hope, care, and compassion in the world. 

"I knew Duke would push me academically and place me in an environment with other scholars," said Dean Jr., "and the community here was diverse and eager to learn from one another. Every day in the classroom, I am reminded that we have more similarities than differences. Our Divinity School prepares us for how the world will be, and we are vital in ensuring that the word of God lives on."

After graduation, Dean plans to join the Air Force and become a chaplain. "Duke Divinity has shaped my understanding of ministry by instilling critical theological and interpretation skills for those I may serve in the future," he said. "One of the highest honors would be serving this country and spreading the Gospel to the people who make a considerable sacrifice daily."