Job Title: Pastoral Resident/Curate
Location: Alexandria, VA
Driving distance to Durham: No
Posting Dates: January 15, 2025 - March 1, 2025
Job type: Full-Time
Organization type: Church
Job tags: Internship
Salary range: Salary, Benefits, and Tuition covered
Contact Name: Stacy Pantuck
Organization leadership includes Duke Divinity alumni: No
Organization hiring manager includes Duke Divinity alumni: No
Job Description:

Christ the King Anglican Church is seeking a seminary student for our Pastoral Residency.

Through the CtK Pastoral Residency Program, we intend to train, educate, and develop young clergy for senior church leadership. Similar to a medical residency, we believe that real work and real training go hand in hand. 

For a detailed description of this pastoral residency, click on the More Information link to the left.