Our Fellows

Alissa Arango wearing a blazer and glasses
Allisa Arango

Alissa Arango is a TMC Fellow and M.T.S. student. She is also a third-year medical student at Duke University and plans to pursue a career in orthopedic surgery. While Arango’s interests in the field are broad, she is particularly interested in improving health outcomes of Spanish-speaking patients. Born and raised in Miami, Fl., Arango is the child of Cuban immigrants. She is a first-generation college graduate, graduating from the University of Florida in 2019 with a B.S. in applied physiology and kinesiology. She then earned her Master of Biomedical Science at the Duke University School of Medicine in 2020. During her time at Duke, Arango became interested in pursuing the TMC Fellowship. When returning to Duke for her medical degree, she knew she had to take the opportunity. She is interested in exploring the intersection of medicine and ethics especially amongst vulnerable populations.

Schuyler Bain wearing a grey jacket and tie
Schuyler Bain

Schuyler Bain is a TMC Fellow and M.T.S. student. Bain is also a fourth-year medical student at the UNC School of Medicine and was formerly a campus minister at UNC as well. He plans to pursue residency in internal medicine and eventually a career in cardiology. His research interests include clarifying the social risk factors of sudden death and heart failure. Bain hopes to further develop a theological imagination to animate a lifetime serving and walking alongside those living and dying with acute and chronic heart disease. 

Jordan DeVeaux wearing a pearl collar and Duke navy blue sweatshirt
Jordan DeVeaux

Jordan DeVeaux is a Towson University Alumna with a Bachelor of Science in psychology with minors in gerontology and family and human services. DeVeaux is pursuing her Master of Divinity at Duke University and plans to explore a career in geriatric social work with a focus in hospice care. She has been heavily involved in multiple communities including, but not limited to, serving as the immediate past president of the Towson University Student Government Association, a sister of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, and as a pastoral associate at Riderwood Senior Living Community. Beyond her leadership roles, she cares deeply about the intersections of intellectual inquiry and spiritual practice. She serves and worships at Kingdom Fellowship AME Church, under the pastoral leadership of Rev. Matthew L. Watley in Silver Spring, Md. In short, DeVeaux is a vibrant, young minister with organizational experience within the higher education and nonprofit sectors passionate about the topics of social healing, community uplift & a collectivist approach to care.

Tenley Force wearing a black top and brown leather jacket
Tenley Force

Tenley Force is a registered nurse, writer, and seminary graduate from Southern California. She obtained her B.S.N. from Biola University, followed by an M.A. in biblical exposition from the Talbot School of Theology. As an R.N., she has practiced in a variety of settings - from the hospital, to disaster response (both domestically and internationally), to adjuncting as a nursing clinical instructor. Her passion, however, comes through writing and in 2023 she published a self-help book titled New: Nursing and the Art of Being Human, which is meant to assist new nurses as they attempt to hold on to their holistic sense of self during their difficult first year of practice. Throughout this exploration, Force found that if nurses can learn these lessons in the face of death, then anyone can learn these lessons in the face of life. Now as a TMC fellow and M.T.S. student, Force hopes to continue her exploration of what it means to be a holistically healthy human in the midst of new transitions and changes. 

Hope Gehle wearing a blue denim top
Hope Gehle

Hope Gehle is a TMC fellow and M.T.S. student with a B.S. in biology from UNC Chapel Hill. She is also a fourth-year medical student at UNC who plans to pursue a career in anesthesiology. Her work with Cru in East Asia and encounters with spiritual suffering throughout her medical rotations have inspired her desire for formal theological training. Gehle has interests in planetary health, holistic patient care, and palliative care. 

Micah Rojo wearing a black t-shirt
Micah Rojo

Micah Rojo is a TMC Fellow and M.T.S. student who holds a B.S.N. from Marquette University. He grew up in Las Vegas, Nev., where he spent most of his time playing bass on the worship team, skateboarding with friends, and landscaping. In between all of this he decided to pursue nursing for the same reasons most people do: it seemed like the best way he could help people. When he began taking theology classes at Marquette, Rojo quickly saw how they helped him love and care for his patients more fully. TMC presents a unique opportunity where he can continue to foster that connection. Outside the classroom, Rojo works as a registered nurse on an oncology floor at Duke University Hospital.

Parker Savage wearing glasses and a dark blue suit and tie
Parker Savage

Parker Savage is a TMC Fellow and M.T.S. student. He grew up in Wake Forest, N.C., with his two wonderful parents and three younger siblings. After graduating from high school, he completed his undergraduate studies at North Carolina State University, pursuing opportunities in global health and education while there. He is now in his fourth year of medical school at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine where he aspires to pursue a career in pediatric surgery. He is pursuing the TMC Fellowship so that he might continue to explore his faith and understanding of Christian truth and how it might apply to his medical practice in the future. In a broader sense, he hopes to learn how to approach ethical dilemmas in medicine in order to be better equipped for his career and to serve as an aid to his future colleagues and patients.