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Watch videos about TMC programs and featured content from seminars, conferences, lectures, and more.
Duke Divinity School offers a new track for the Certificate in Theology and Health Care. Learn about the newest track available to students with a vocation in health care.
Theology, Medicine, and Culture (TMC) Fellowship alumna, Emmy Yang, shares her experience of discovering the resources of the Christian faith for her medical practice, and belonging to a community of like-minded colleagues and friends during her time as a TMC Fellow.
Karen Frush, MD, flexible Certificate in Theology and Health Care student, shares about her experience of discovering theological resources and a community of like-minded colleagues to nourish her vocation during her time at Duke Divinity School.
Watch this profile of TMC Fellowship alumnus Dr. Benjamin Frush, a medicine-pediatrics resident at Vanderbilt, whose experience as a Theology, Medicine, and Culture Fellow at Duke Divinity School gave him eyes to see Christ in his patients.

Recent Podcasts

Listen to podcasts featuring TMC faculty, alumni, and students.
The Best of You Podcast with Dr. Alison Cook
In this episode, Kinghorn discusses his new book, "Wayfaring: A Christian Approach to Mental Health Care," and offers a Christian vision of flourishing.
CMDA Matters
Dr. Farr Curlin gives a keynote address to celebrate and affirm the value of conscience freedoms in healthcare at a special event CMDA hosted in January 2023 at the Museum of the Bible.
The Living Church Podcast
Warren Kinghorn is interviewed on The Living Church Podcast.

More Videos

Watch videos from past events.

"Touching Death: Christian Perspectives on an Anatomy Lab"

Farr Curlin, MD, Co-Director of the TMC Initiative and Ross Wagner, PhD, Professor of New Testament held a conversation in partnership with the Triangle Christian and Medical Associations (TCMDA) on the medical formation that takes place in the anatomy lab.

Inaugural Catena Lecture in Medicine, Faith, and Service

Gratitude in Action: One Doctor, One Hospital, One Million Patients”

Tom Catena, the only MD serving over 750,000 patients in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, spoke at Duke Divinity School in October 2019.

Watch the video

Recordings from Practice and Presence 2018

Duke Divinity Professor Kate Bowler, author of the bestselling Everything Happens for a Reason, and Other Lies I’ve Loved, speaks about her struggle to understand the personal and spiritual dimensions of the American belief that all tragedies are tests of character after she was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer at age 35.

Clips from the above conversation:

COVID-19 Recordings

Should Christians take the COVID-19 vaccine? 
Christians & the Vaccine is a project of Redeeming Babel, whose mission is to provide “biblical thinking in a confusing world.” In this video series, Curtis Chang address the most common spiritual questions Christians have regarding the vaccine.

COVID-19 and Vaccination Controversies: Historical and Contemporary Considerations
This virtual seminar features Jeff Baker, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics and History and Director of the Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities & History of Medicine at Duke University.

Five Ways To Promote Mental Health During the Pandemic 
Professor Warren Kinghorn, MD talks with Rev. Matthew Heyd of Church of the Heavenly Rest in NYC as part of their Faith and Science series.

Families, Relationships and Trauma during COVID-19 
Professor Warren Kinghorn, MD talks with TMC alumni Dr. Jennifer Lawson and Tara Corbett, MSW, MTS, about the effects of COVID-19 on families and children.

On the Frontlines: Caring as Christians during COVID-19
Drs. Matt Frederick and Martha Carlough discuss their pandemic experiences in March 2020 and share reflections on their faith.

Triage, Resource, (Re)Allocation and Christian Ethics
Professors Luke Bretheron and Patrick Smith discuss ethical considerations on resource allocation during the pandemic.

What Says the Great Physician? Moral Reflection, Medical Ethics, and Cultural Narratives Amid COVID-19.
This webinar features Professors Farr Curlin and Patrick Smith.

How do we find peace in this anxious moment? God, Mental Health, and COVID-19
This webinar hosted by The Veritas Forum, features psychiatrists Dr. Warren Kinghorn and Dr. Nii Addi, in conversation with Dr. Michelle Kirtley about mental health during the pandemic.

Christian Ethics During COVID-19 
Duke Divinity faculty Luke Bretherton, Brett McCarty, and Patrick Smith discuss ethics during a pandemic in this 15-minute video.

Health is Membership: 25 Years Later
A conversation with Duke University professor and psychiatrist Warren Kinghorn about wholeness and mental illness, loneliness, and seeing patients as “inhabitants of stories” rather than “bearers of symptoms.”