
The Richard Payne Lecture and Award in Faith, Justice, and Health Care highlights and honors academic, clinical, and lay leaders who in their work and research embody the late Dr. Payne’s spirit of caring for the whole person.

Richard Payne headshot

About Dr. Richard Payne

Dr. Richard Payne, Esther Colliflower Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Divinity, was an internationally esteemed pioneer in pain relief, palliative care, oncology, and neurology. He joined the faculty at Duke Divinity School in 2004 as director of the Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life, the institute that predated and paved the way for the TMC Initiative. 

Over the course of his career, Dr. Payne helped to lead a number of prestigious institutions and academic societies, yet his scholarship and academic leadership never displaced his central commitment to care for people. Indeed, Dr. Payne consistently aligned his scholarly work with his devotion to those he was called to love and serve, from members of his family to his patients, from his church to his academic colleagues and students. In particular, Dr. Payne found creative ways to bring together his academic work and his dedication to justice and equity in health care.  

Watch "Remembering Dr. Richard Payne," a tribute video created by The Center for Practical Bioethics.