The Center for Reconciliation sponsors the annual Summer Institute for Reconciliation that brings scholars, students, community members, church leaders, and leaders of faith-based organizations to the Duke Divinity campus for an intensive institute. The program combines plenary speakers, round-table issues panels, break-out sessions, and ecumenical worship to create a space to grow together as scholars and practitioners of transformation and reconciliation.
Summer Institute for Reconciliation
The annual Summer Institute for Reconciliation will take place in person from May 14-16, 2025 on the Duke Divinity campus.
This year's institute will consist of three full days of engagement. Each day will include worship, daily plenary sessions (Common Journey), interactive discussion, Q&A portions, and workshops on reconciliation, transformation, and justice.
Rooted in Duke Divinity School’s conviction that reconciliation is at the heart of the gospel, the institute draws on the strengths of a faculty of world-class scholars and practitioners. Since God’s ministry of reconciliation is entrusted to all Christians, the institute is designed to cultivate leaders who “carry the marks of Jesus” on their body (Galatians 6:17). These cross-shaped or cruciform reconcilers will have a robust vision and practice of Christian reconciliation that is faithful to the scriptural witness, discerning of the times, and sensitive to the life of the church.
The institute centers on content with a biblical vision of reconciliation that inspires a movement of transformed communities and relationships. This formation of communities is nurtured by each other’s witness that Christ is strengthening us to the end and affirming us so that we do not “lack any spiritual gift” in our life together (1 Corinthians 1:4-9). As an integral part of the Divinity School and rooted in a Christian vision of God’s ministry of reconciliation, the institute aims to serve the academy, the church, and the world.