Awet Andemicael lecturing
Awet Andemicael
Associate Dean of Marquand Chapel, Assistant Professor of Theology, Yale University
Sandra Bowden headshot
Sandra Bowden
Artist, Art Collector, and former President of Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA)
Natalie Carnes lecturing
Natalie Carnes
Assistant Professor of Theology, Baylor University
David Crabtree
David Crabtree
Chief Executive Officer, PBS North Carolina
Woman smiling against brick wall
Jennifer Craft
Associate Professor of Theology and Humanities, Point University
Ellen Davis headshot
Ellen Davis
Amos Ragan Kearns Professor of Bible and Practical Theology, Duke Divinity School
David Ford
Regius Professor of Divinity Emeritus, University of Cambridge
Richard Hays headshot
Richard Hays
George Washington Ivey Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Duke Divinity School
Bruce Herman headshot
Bruce Herman
Artist and Lothlórien Distinguished Chair in the Fine Arts, Gordon College
Micheal O’Siadhail headshot
Micheal O’Siadhail
Steven Purcell headshot
Steven Purcell
Executive Director of the Laity Lodge, H.E. Butt Foundation
Ben Quash headshot
Ben Quash
Director of the Centre for Arts and the Sacred and Professor of Christianity and the Arts, Kings College London
Chloë Reddaway headshot
Chloë Reddaway
Research Associate, Arts and the Sacred, King’s College London
James K. A. Smith headshot
James K. A. Smith
Gary & Henrietta Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology and Worldview, Calvin University
Leigh Spruill headshot
Leigh Spruill
Rector, St. John the Divine, Houston, TX
Linda Stratford headshot
Linda Stratford
Professor of Art History and History, Asbury University
W. David O. Taylor headshot
W. David O. Taylor
Assistant Professor of Theology and Culture, Fuller Theological Seminary
TJ Volgare headshot
TJ Volgare
Writer, Film Director, and Editor
Lauren Winner headshot in purple sweater, black earrings, and white rimmed glasses
Lauren Winner
Associate Professor of Christian Spirituality, Duke Divinity School
Judith Wolfe headshot
Judith Wolfe
Professor of Philosophical Theology, School of Divinity, University of St. Andrews
Nicholas Wolterstorff headshot
Nicholas Wolterstorff
Noah Porter Professor Emeritus of Philosophical Theology, Yale University