DITA has put art into action through performances, art installations, and other events that contribute to a vibrant arts culture at Duke Divinity School and beyond.
Upcoming Events
Duke Divinity's Inaugural Art Gallery Opening
Duke Divinity School celebrates the opening of the school's first formal gallery space with an evening concert and artist mini-residency.
DITA2025: Surprising Encounters in Theology and the Arts
DITA2025 is a four-day symposium at Duke University celebrating Nicaea and the myriad surprises the Creed holds in store for artists, academics, clergy, and parishioners today.
Past Events
Transcendence + Immanence: The Sacred Ink Wash Art of DaoZi
A tandem gallery of representative artworks by the artist, displayed in both Duke Chapel and in Duke Divinity School’s 00 Westbrook hallway.
October 20–November 26, 2023
Matter+Spirit: A Chinese/American Exhibition
A mixed-media gallery of artworks by that engages perennial tensions between the material and the spiritual in human life and in society.
Duke University Chapel. August 15–October 20, 2023
Beyond Measure
An evening concert featuring players from the New Caritas Orchestra as well as readings and visual art, led by Dr. Jeremy Begbie, in celebration of his newest volume of research, Abundantly More.
Goodson Chapel. Sept. 8., 2023
Marc Chagall and the Bible
Exhibit of etchings, lithographs, and two original posters was displayed in Duke University Chapel. Premiere lecturer on Marc Chagall, Vivian R. Jacobson, delivered a lecture on March 29 to a wide audience from Duke and Durham.
Jan. 12–March 30, 2023
Malcolm Guite Mini-Residency
Rev. Dr. Malcom Guite taught an M.Div. course, preached at a local church, and delivered a lecture at Duke Divinity for hybrid week 2023.
Jan. 8–13, 2023.
Shane McCrae Lecture and Reading
In conjunction with the Duke University English Dept. and St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church, DITA hosted poet Shane McCrae for a visit. McCrae delivered a lecture on forgiveness and poetry and a public reading of his work in discussion with Dr. Lauren Winner.
October 20, 2022
Cries of Loss and Hope
DITA’s fall concert featuring the New Caritas Orchestra, directed by Jeremy Begbie, and a visiting ensemble from the Raleigh Music Collective.
September 2, 2022
See event recap
Julian Davis Reid Mini-Residency
DITA welcomed musician, artist, and theologian Julian Davis Reid to Duke Divinity for a mini-residency in spring 2022. Reid (M.Div., Emory University; B.A., Yale University) is a founding member of the jazz-fusion group The JuJu Exchange, has released three studio albums, and has collaborated with many notable musicians, including Chance the Rapper, Jennifer Hudson, and Derrick Hodge.
February 2022
DITA10 was a three-day symposium celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the establishment of Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts (DITA) at Duke Divinity School. This first and only DITA conference featured conversations with leading scholars and artists, workshops for church leaders, inspiring corporate worship, an interactive concert featuring musicians from the top orchestras in the nation, and a colloquium for emerging scholars.
Learn More about DITA10
Meeting Our Moment Video Series
The past five years have held challenge, struggle, and even discouragement for many. How can the arts help us have hope and faith in such times? In this ongoing video series, DITA director Jeremy Begbie talks to Christian artists and scholars about the pandemic, reconciliation, poetry, music, suffering and much more.
Watch the Series
More Past Events
View more events hosted and co-hosted by DITA.