"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend ... By its very nature, hate destroys and tears down; by its very nature, love creates and builds up. Love transforms with redemptive power."
The Certificate in Conflict Transformation and Reconciliation (CCTR), facilitated by scholars and practitioners in the fields of conflict transformation and reconciliation from Duke University and other institutions, provides a timely learning opportunity for pastors and other church leaders seeking theological and practical skills to foster reconciliation in their congregations and surrounding communities.
The CCTR offers a hybrid program to accommodate personal, pastoral, and professional obligations, and includes in-person retreats and online learning.
This program uses a cohort model through which participants discover the potential for conflict transformation and reconciliation as they journey in deeper spiritual growth and authentic group engagement.
Participants in this certificate program will learn how to:
- Communicate authentic and transparent conversation on difficult issues
- Host and reimagine covenants and liturgies that foster transformation and reconciliation in the church and the community
- Apply the restorative approach to conflict transformation as distinct from conflict resolution
- Navigate liminal spaces
- Grow in active listening
- Engage in coaching others and facilitate restorative circles for conflict transformation

Fostering Reconciliation
Through this 15-month non-degree certificate program, participants will cultivate theological foundations and spiritual practices to equip them for a ministry that fosters conflict transformation and reconciliation amid division. Participants will learn to use practical tools such as active listening, conflict coaching, and restorative circles, and gain knowledge to increase their self-awareness about implicit bias and other dispositions that tend to create barriers between individuals and communities.