Three Duke Divinity School professors are part of a group of 70 prominent writers, religious leaders, and artists who have contributed essays in a new book of modern meditations on the questions Jesus asks in the Bible.

Published in October by Time Books, What Did Jesus Ask?: Christian Leaders Reflect on His Questions includes essays by Luke Powery, associate professor of homiletics and dean of Duke Chapel; J. Ross Wagner, associate professor of New Testament and director of the Divinity School’s Th.D. program; and Lauren Winner, assistant professor of Christian spirituality.

The book was edited by Elizabeth Dias of Time magazine with a forward by Nancy Gibbs, a bestselling author and managing editor at Time. Organized by biblical verse, the meditations offer contemporary and traditional interpretations of the more than 100 questions Jesus asked in the Gospels in his role as teacher, allowing readers to explore their own faith and determine their own answers.

Powery wrote an essay on the question, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” from Matthew 27:46; Wagner on “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” from John 21:17; and Winner on “Why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?” from Matthew 15:3.

Other contributors to the book include bestselling singer/songwriters Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith; Christian leaders Barbara Brown Taylor and Cardinal Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington; and bestselling authors James Martin and Sarah Young.