Duke Divinity School has announced that it will partner with The Shepherd's Fund to provide financial assistance to alumni in their time of need.
The Shepherd’s Fund was founded to help retired or disabled pastors, their spouses, or widows with a limited income, and who have health issues for which they can’t afford treatment or the financial impact it may have on their ability to provide for themselves. The fund is designed to meet a need for pastors who often do not have high salaries and are unable to save money for medical crises.
Retired or disabled pastors who have faithfully served in ordained ministry, their spouses, or their widows or widowers are eligible for these assistance grants.
A retired pastor and their spouse can qualify for a one-time grant of up to $10,000 each or $20,000 total. They may reapply in subsequent years, especially if they have a chronic ongoing medical condition.
Learn more about the fund, eligibility requirements, and how to apply.