Job Title: Worship and Ministry Coordinator at Duke Chapel
Location: Durham, NC, United States
Driving distance to Durham: Yes
Posting Dates: July 31, 2024 - August 26, 2024
Job type: Full-Time
Organization type: Nonprofit/NGO
Job tags: Church
Salary range: $58,000-$65,000
Contact Name: Bruce Puckett
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: (919) 684-2909
Organization leadership includes Duke Divinity alumni: Yes
Organization hiring manager includes Duke Divinity alumni: Yes
Job Description:

Occupational summary: The Worship and Ministry Coordinator will coordinate the worship services of Duke Chapel and support the Chapel Ministry team on events related to ministry team programs. This position will report to the Assistant Dean of Duke Chapel.

Work Performed: (45%) Christian Worship Coordination Lead weekly planning meetings for worship and coordinate logistics for all Chapel worship services including Sunday morning worship, Sunday Evensong, occasional Vespers services, and other special services such as Holy Week, All Hallows Eve, Blessing of the Animals, etc. Activities include: * Recruit and train lectors and communion servers. * Serve as the primary Chapel staff contact for worship volunteers including ushers, altar guild, offering counters, etc. * Maintain the schedule for presiding ministers for both Sunday mornings and other weekly services * Work with the Chapel Dean on the annual preaching calendar; Serve as first point of contact with guest preachers, including initial invitations, contracts, coordinating and securing flights, hotel, meals, and timely honoraria payments; (20%) Production of all the Chapel’s worship bulletins for weekly services and occasional services as necessary (15%) Coordinate logistics for ministry team events. Manage logistics for service and learning trips and other events organized by ministry team (e.g., catering, room reservations, etc.) Assist with other program related needs for ministry team, as needed. (10%) Budgeting and Financial Management. Oversee and maintain budget for worship related endowments. Maintain updated budget tracking for ministry team. Assist with offering and alms counting. (5%) Together with Assistant Dean of the Chapel, supervise the Chapel worship intern (Divinity School student.) (5%) Other duties as assigned