Job Title: Chaplain
Location: Martinsville, VA, United States
Driving distance to Durham: No
Posting Dates: June 25, 2024 - August 31, 2024
Job type: Full-Time
Organization type: Nonprofit/NGO
Job tags: Nonprofit
Salary range: $47,800 - $74,000
Contact Name: Anna Dodson
Contact Email:
Organization leadership includes Duke Divinity alumni: No
Organization hiring manager includes Duke Divinity alumni: No
Job Description:

Provide leadership and oversight for overall ministry, deliver pastoral care, worship services, advice and support to residents and their families as well as employees while supporting the mission of the community. Develop strategies to encompass projects and comprehensive programs to carry out the ministry while meeting the spiritual and emotional needs of residents. Maintain relationships with local churches and help to keep residents in touch with their church as needed.