Joel Marcus taught New Testament with an emphasis on the Gospels and the context of early Christianity within Judaism. His publications include two monographs on Mark, a two-volume commentary on the same Gospel in the Anchor Bible series, and a forthcoming monograph on John the Baptist. He is currently working on the relationship between Judaism and Christianity in the first three Christian centuries.
- William Shakespeare, As You Like It
- Gershom Scholem, The Messianic Idea in Judaism and Other Essays
- J. Louis Martyn, Theological Issues in the Letters of Paul
- Justin Meggitt, Paul, Poverty, and Survival
- Martha Nussbaum, The Therapy of Desire
- Orlando Patterson, Slavery and Social Death
Recent Books
Selected Publications
- The Mystery of the Kingdom of God. Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series 90, 1986.
- The Way of the Lord: Christological Exegesis in the Gospel of Mark. (Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992).
- Jesus and the Holocaust: Reflections on Suffering and Hope. (Doubleday, 1997).
- "Mark. A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary." (Anchor Bible 27; New York: Doubleday; vol. 1: 2000; vol. 2: 2009).
- John the Baptist in History and Theology. The Personalities of the New Testament (University of South Carolina Press, 2018).
Recent Courses
- The Gospel of Mark
- The Resurrection Narratives in the Gospels
- Judaism and Christianity: Ancient Roots and Modern Perspectives