The Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative at Duke Divinity School is hosting the fifth seminar in its annual seminar series, "Biblical Narratives of Healing" with Professors Ellen Davis and C. Kavin Rowe.

Davis is Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology at Duke Divinity School. The author of eleven books and many articles, her research interests focus on how biblical interpretation bears on the life of faith communities and their response to urgent public issues, particularly the ecological crisis and interfaith relations. A lay Episcopalian, she has long been active as a theological consultant within the Anglican Communion. Her current work explores the arts as modes of scriptural interpretation.

Rowe is the George Washington Ivey Distinguished Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School. His newest book is Christianity’s Surprise: A Sure and Certain Hope (Abingdon, 2020). He is the author of three other books: One True Life: the Stoics and Early Christians as Rival Traditions (Yale University Press, 2016), World Upside Down: Reading Acts in the Graeco-Roman Age (Oxford University Press, 2009, paperback 2010), and Early Narrative Christology (de Gruyter, 2006, repr. Baker Academic, 2009). He has published multiple scholarly articles and co-edited The Word Leaps the Gap (Eerdmans, 2008) and Rethinking the Unity and Reception of Luke and Acts (University of South Carolina Press, 2010). He is on the editorial board of several international peer-reviewed journals and has also frequently written articles for

Registration is required. These semi-monthly TMC seminars are a regular gathering of faculty, fellows, students, and others interested in the intersections of theology, medicine, and culture. The series is open to the public. Continuing education credit is available.

See the event website for more details.