In-person For Alumni For Clergy For Lay Leaders For Prospective Students For Students General Audience

The Hispanic House of Studies is joining the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15) through our annual fall chapel and lecture series. At 11:45 a.m., we will join together in Goodson Chapel for a Service of Word and Table in which we will welcome Dr. Agustina Luvis Nuñez as our guest preacher. Later in the afternoon, at 5:00 p.m., Dr. Luvis Nuñez will join us again and will be lecturing on Caribbean Theology in 0012 Westbrook.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Agustina Luvis Nuñez
Associate Professor of Theology, Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico

Dr. Agustina Luvis Núñez is a Puerto Rican theologian. She holds a B.S. in biology from the University of Puerto Rico, a degree in medical technology from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez campus, an M.Div. from the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, and a masters in theology and a Ph.D. in systematic theology, both from the Lutheran School of Theology at the University of Chicago. Currently, she is associate professor of theology and director of the doctoral program of the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico. 

Her areas of interest include Pentecostal and feminist theologies, as well as Caribbean theologies. She has also contributed to multiple edited volumes, including Otros Caminos: Propuestas para la crisis en Puerto Rico (Isla Negra, 2012), for which she penned the chapter “La crisis, momento oportuno para afirmar las marcas de la iglesia,” and El sexo en la Iglesia (Publicaciones Gaviota, 2015), for which she wrote “Liberación: Reflexiones teológicas sobre el abuso sexual y nuestro rol como Iglesia.” Luvis Núñez also wrote the entry “Caribbean Theology” for the Global Dictionary of Theology: A Resources for the Worldwide Church (IVP Academic, 2008). Her book Creada a su imagen: Una pastoral integral para la mujer was published in 2012 by Abingdon Press.