In-person For Students General Audience

The Center for Reconciliation, The Hispanic House of Studies, and the Presbyterian/Reform House of Studies are jointly sponsoring a conversation with visiting international peacemakers who work at the intersections of Feminist Eco Theology and Indigenous Rights. A light meal will be served.

Speaker: Mía Umaña 

For 30 years, Mía Umaña has been working to support vulnerable communities in comprehensive and empathetic ways. She has focused on strengthening resilience in communities, using tools such as the creation of Peace Communities. With specialties in conflict resolution and trauma care, Mía trained with the Lutheran World Federation in Brazil and holds a diploma in risk management in natural disasters (CEPEPCA ACT ALIANZA).

Most recently, Mía finished her coursework for her bachelor’s degree in theological sciences and is in the process of preparing her thesis at the Universidad Bíblica Latinoamérica (UBL) in Costa Rica. She also earned an International Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith. She currently provides pastoral accompaniment and support to migrants with particular focus on gender violence, feminicide and environmental justice. She works to strengthen relational networks while providing support to migrants at Casa Adobe.

Interpreter: Karla Koll

Karla Ann Koll, a mission co-worker with the PC(USA), serves at the Latin American Biblical University (UBL) in San Jose, Costa Rica as professor of history, mission, and religions. She previously served in theological education in Nicaragua and Guatemala. In addition to courses in mission and the history of Christianity, she teaches a course on eschatology and climate change. Karla is a member of Pueblo Presbytery.