The Duke Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition is committed to developing and providing access to a range of research resources for students and scholars of the Wesleyan tradition around the globe.

Research Resources

The Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition is dedicated to providing a growing set of online resources to support study of John and Charles Wesley. The items currently available are listed below. If you have suggestions of other items you would like to see available, or resources you would like to offer for us to consider posting, please contact Randy Maddox at the Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition.

Bibliographical Guides

Decade of Dissertations in Wesley Studies: 1991–2000
Recent Dissertations in Wesley Studies: 2001– 
Kingswood Library Holdings (ca. 1775)
John Wesley’s Reading: Evidence in Kingswood Library
John Wesley’s Reading: Book Collection at Wesley’s House, London
Remnants of John Wesley’s Personal Library
Charles Wesley Family Library, Methodist Archives
Charles Wesley’s Personal Library (ca. 1765)
Charles Wesley Jr. Music Collection (1768)

Other Guides

Indexes to Wesley Poetry and Hymn Collections

First-line index of John and Charles Wesley’s published verse
  • This excel file lists first lines for all verse that likely are original productions of John or Charles Wesley, as published in joint or individual works during their lifetime.
First-line index of other authors included in Wesley hymn collections
  • This excel file lists first lines of verse in hymn collections published by John or Charles Wesley during their lifetime that are originally by authors other than the Wesleys. It includes verse translated into English from other languages. It does not include John’s abridgement of Herbert, Milton, or Young; Moral and Sacred Poems, or the poetry included in the Arminian Magazine.
Title Abbreviations for First-Line Indexes
  • This list of the abbreviations used in column heads for the first-line indexes identifies both the full short title for each work and the location of the work in this online collection
Detailed Index for Short Hymns on . . . Scriptures (1762
  • S T Kimbrough, Jr. provides here an index of every hymn in Charles Wesley’s two-volume Short Hymns on Select Passages of the Holy Scriptures. Organized by first lines, it lists such features as the length of the hymn and the scripture passage it exposits.
Metrical Index for Short Hymns on ... Scriptures (1762)
  • S T Kimbrough, Jr. provides here an index identifying the metre of every hymn included in Charles Wesley’s two-volume Short Hymns on Select Passages of the Holy Scriptures.
Scripture Index for Short Hymns on ... Scriptures (1762)
  • S T Kimbrough, Jr. provides this convenient index of the title scripture passages for the hymns in Charles Wesley’s two-volume Short Hymns on Select Passages of the Holy Scriptures.

The Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition is dedicated to providing a growing set of online resources to support study of Methodism. The items currently available are listed below. If you have suggestions of other items you would like to see available, or resources you would like to offer for us to consider posting, please contact Randy Maddox at the Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition.

Arminian Magazine (1778–1797), annotated index (pdf)

An annotated list of the contents of the twenty-volume run of the Arminian Magazine, prepared by W. Stephen Gunter.

Bristol Steward Journal (1752–54) (pdf)

An anonymous diary, kept by a book steward and secretary of John Wesley living in Bristol, covering October 1752 to October 1754.

When citing materials on the Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition website, in all cases:

Mention on your first citation, or in an appropriate list of acknowledgments, that you accessed the material through the website of The Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition, Duke Divinity School. (Web links will remain stable and may also be included.)

For Research Resources, such as bibliographies and poetry indexes:

    If the item was previously published, cite original publication details.
    For other items, give the title and the author/compiler as listed on website (if given).

For Transcripts of Published Wesley Texts:

    Cite original publication details — reflected accurately in the transcript.
    example: Hymns and Sacred Poems (London: Strahan, 1739), p. 12.

For Transcripts of Manuscript Wesley and Methodist Texts:

    Use the original title or assigned short title, and pagination as shown on website.
    Indicate the holding institution of the original document and location details.