
The Thomas Gerard Catena Lecture in Medicine, Faith, and Service invites speakers whose work displays innovative scholarship, service, and institution-building at the intersection of theology, medicine, and culture.

About Dr. Tom Catena

Dr. Tom Catena, who is the only physician for a population of more than 750,000 in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains, a conflict zone where humanitarian aid is restricted. At the Mother of Mercy Hospital, which he founded in 2007, he treats as many as 400 patients a day and is on call around the clock. Treating casualties of the region’s civil war, he performs more than 1,000 operations each year, often without running water or electricity.

In 2018, Catena received the Catholic Doctor of the Year Award from the Mission Doctors Association in Los Angeles. In 2017, Dr. Catena was awarded the $1.1 million Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity, which honors unsung heroes working to preserve human life at great personal risk. He is the recipient of Honorary Doctorates from Brown University (2016) and Yerevan State Medical University (2017) and was named one of the 100 most influential people by Time magazine in 2015.

Tom Catena headshot in Goodson Chapel
Dr. Tom Catena delivered the inaugural Catena Lecture in 2019.