Duke Divinity School is partnering with the Western North Carolina Conference (WNCC) of The United Methodist on relief efforts in North Carolina after Hurricane Helene. The WNCC has more than 500 Duke Divinity School alumni who are leading churches on the front lines of the relief effort.

The WNCC will be opening up opportunities for early response team (ERT) trainings that will be required for those who want to serve on the ground. For information on ERT trainings, financial donations, cleaning bucket assembly, and prayer, visit the Annual Conference’s Disaster Relief website

The Divinity School will be collecting supplies to send to Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministry, led by Divinity alumnus Kevin Bates, M.Div. '15, D.Min. '23. Details on supplies needed and collection point will be available on our Western North Carolina Relief page.

Said Divinity School Dean Edgardo Colón-Emeric, “I have been inspired by how our alums and other members of the Divinity family are serving as first responders and showing the face of Christ’s mercy to those who are hungry, hurting, and homeless. Their commitment is a much-needed witness to hope.”