Online For Alumni For Students General Audience Credit Offered

It is no accident that God chose to tell the Gospel story through a trail of trees. From Genesis to Revelation, every major biblical character and every major theological event has a tree marking the spot. In this seminar, Matthew Sleeth, MD, will lead us through the flora and fauna of Scripture and share how caring for creation helps us flourish.

Speaker Bio

Matthew Sleeth
Matthew Sleeth, MD
Executive Director of Blessed Earth

Matthew Sleeth, MD, a former emergency room physician and chief of the hospital medical staff, resigned from his position to teach, preach, and write about faith and health. Dr. Sleeth has spoken at over 1,000 churches, campuses, and events, including serving as a monthly guest preacher at the Washington National Cathedral. Recognized by Newsweek as one of the nation’s most influential Christian leaders, Dr. Sleeth is the executive director of Blessed Earth and author of numerous articles and books, including "Reforesting Faith" and "24/6." His newest book, Hope Always: How to be a Force for Life in a Culture of Suicide released in May 2021. Dr. Sleeth lives in Lexington, Kentucky, with Nancy, his wife of over forty years. Their grown children serve with their families in full-time ministry and as medical missionaries in Africa.