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The Divinity School will host a public lecture: "A Style of Life for the Survival of Life: American Christian Environmentalism in the Neoliberal Seventies." Dr. Kevin Stewart Rose, assistant dean and assistant professor at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville will be the speaker.

About the Speaker

Kevin Stewart Rose (Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2022; M.Div, Duke Divinity School, 2016) is assistant dean and assistant professor at the University of Virginia, where he splits his time serving as an academic dean for undergraduate affairs and teaching in Religious Studies and American Studies. His work in the classroom was recognized by a university-wide award for teaching excellence in 2021 and he is currently serving as a 2023-2024 College Teaching Fellow at UVA.

Rose has broad interests in American religious history, with a particular focus on the ways twentieth-century American Christians navigated the related rise of global free markets and U.S. imperial expansion at a lived religious level. His first book project, supported by a Charlotte W. Newcombe Fellowship, is Lifestyle Religion: Protestant Environmentalism in a Neoliberal Climate. It examines these questions through the lens of mainline and evangelical environmental projects in the wake of the first Earth Day in 1970. His writing on these subjects has also appeared in the journals Religion in American Culture and American Quarterly, and he enjoys translating his work for public arenas, having produced podcast episodes based on his research for the Mellon-funded Sacred & Profane podcast.