The Divinity School Baccalaureate is scheduled for the night of Saturday, May 7, 2022 in Duke Chapel. Baccalaureate is the Divinity School’s graduation worship service that includes a sermon and individual naming and hooding of our graduates.
We have two meetings scheduled in order for us to review the details around graduation weekend and all the checklists that will allow students to successfully get to that point.
We anticipate covering important dates and deadlines, as well as reviewing information about regalia, end-of-year services (Senior Cross Service, Closing Convocation, Baccalaureate, and Duke Commencement activities), and having an opportunity to answer questions.
Residential students are expected to attend in person.
If you are residential and wonder about attending the Zoom session for hybrid students, you are welcome to do so, but please know that some of the content is geared toward students in the hybrid programs.