Job Title: Youth Minister
Location: Louisville, KY, United States
Driving distance to Durham: No
Posting Dates: December 9, 2024 - March 31, 2025
Job type: Full-Time
Organization type: Church
Job tags: Church
Salary range: commensurate with experience
Contact Name: Caroline Eager
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: (502) 228-1176
Organization leadership includes Duke Divinity alumni: Yes
Organization hiring manager includes Duke Divinity alumni: Yes
Job Description:

St. Francis in the Fields is seeking a new Youth Minister to Lead and grow a thriving youth community of disciples who engage in Worship, Formation & Mission. St. Francis in the Fields is a thriving parish of joyful orthodoxy that has grown between 10-17% annually over the last five years. This growth coupled with the presence of our long-time youth minister has yielded a strong youth group, which we desire to grow even more. Our model for youth ministry engages young adult “fellows” and other lay leaders who serve the youth and their families. Our parish mission statement is to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ by drawing all generations into worship, formation and mission. 

Specific Responsibilities of this Position include: • Recruit, train, and lead adult volunteers and Louisville Fellow interns to disciple and provide pastoral care to Middle and High School Youth, both in teams and as individuals • Participate as a part of a church staff with an active schedule of gatherings for prayer, enrichment, and communication • Prepare and oversee youth ministry budget and schedule • Review ministry and mission goals and benchmarks with clergy and Vestry representatives • Develop and oversee execution of Sunday School and mid-week programming for Middle and High school students • Organize, train and equip youth acolytes for leadership in worship and assist in providing a grounding in Prayerbook Spirituality • Ensure that youth staff and adult volunteers are in compliance with Safeguarding God’s Children policies • Pursue opportunities for youth to serve locally while providing opportunities to engage our global Anglican family 

Requirements: • General knowledge of Scripture and Christian doctrine within the Great Tradition of Christianity, and a deep personal prayer life • Excellent organizational & interpersonal skills • Ability to operate within a team-oriented environment • Creativity, adaptability, and resourcefulness • Minimum 2-5 years’ experience in youth ministry work with a track record of growing disciples • General experience with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook • Strong verbal and written communication skills • Ability to work in the church office and visit youth and families off-campus. • Capacity to lift 25-30 pounds, transport items and engage in vigorous physical activity with students